Erikson's stages

By Erica_H
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    trust vs mistrust
    If needs are dependably met, infants develop a sense of basic trust.
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    Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt
    Toddlers learn to exercize will and do things for themselves or they doubt their abilities
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    Inititive vs guilt
    preschoolers learn to initiate tasks and carry out plans or they feel guilty about efforts to be independant
  • Baby brother was born!!

    Baby brother was born!!
    Trevor was born. I had to learn to get along with someone else and wasn't the baby anymore.
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    Competence vs Inveriority

    Children learn the pleasure of applying themselves to tasks, or they feel inferior.
  • My mom's cat had to be put down.

    My mom's cat had to be put down.
    This shaped how I looked at life. I now realized people don't live forever and this has affected how I spend my time with people I'm close to.
  • Got a puppy!

    Got a puppy!
    Having my dog is helping to shape how I care for others. Feeding him daily helps me to understand I am not the only person in the world.
  • Parents got divorced

    Parents got divorced
    I became a stronger person. This also may affect my marriage later on because now I know how divorce affects a family.
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    Identity vs. role confusion

    Teenagers work at refining a sense of self by testing roles and then integration them to form a siingle identity, or they become confused about who they are.
  • Mom got remarried

    Mom got remarried
    (this date is not correct)
    This shaped my identity because I had two new brothers and a stepdad now. I had to learn to take other peoples feelings in to consideration. It wasn't always just what I wanted anymore.
  • First AP class!

    This shaped my responsibility, has given me information that will better my career, and allow me to take more rigorous classes.
  • Bubba was born

    Bubba was born
    My fourth brother, John, was born! I had to learn to help with him. It is currently shaping how I will parent my child.
  • First day of highschool

    First day of highschool
    HIghschool is helping to shape my identity by teaching me how to form and maintain relationships and it's helping to teach responsibility and how to prioritize.
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    Took my first AP class

    This shaped my future career. I have credits for college and it will save me money. This is teaching me how to be responsible and also teaching me very important informationt that could help me during my career.
  • Got a debit card

    Got a debit card
    This is shaping how I will watch expenses and will shape how I pay for items in the future. This will affect what kind of house I have and how I can care and provide for my children.

    This is shaping my independence and my responsibility. I can now drive myself to a job and stay after school to better my grades more easily.
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    Intimacy vs. isolation

    Young adults struggle to form close relationships and to gain the capacity for intimate love, or they feel socially isolated
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    genrerativity vs. stagnation

    In middle age, people discover a sense of contributing to the world, usually through family and work, or they may feel a lack of prupose.
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    Integrity vs. despair

    When reflecting on his or her life, the older adult may feel a sense of satisfaction or failure.