Stage 1: Trust vs Mistrust
When I was born, my mom moved my two older siblings and I to the village to live with my grandpa who helped raise me. When we moved away to my dad in the city, I developed social anxiety and became afraid of change. I missed my grandpa, didn't know my dad, feared any noises, like sirens, and hated meeting new people. In Erickson's stage 1, it says that infants rely on trust vs mistrust to determine relationships later on in life. I no longer have a relationship with my dad. -
Stage 5: Identity vs Role Confusion
When my dad left at the age of 12, my mom was stuck raising four kids on her own, three of them younger than me. While she worked full time to provide for us, I always stayed home to take care of the younger ones. It shaped me to who I am today. I identify myself as a strong independent mom who takes initiative in all the decisions about my son and home life. Erickson's -
Stage 6: Intimacy vs Isolation
As a 22 year old mom, I am engaged to my baby-daddy. But, I do tend to also isolate myself from the rest of the world. We live a good distance from most of our families and usually stay home. I feel I succeeded in this stage by finding the virtue of love.