Deadline for question and first row of source COMPLETED
I was able to complete the deadline 3 days early as I spent a lot of my spare time thinking about the possibilities of my question and I managed my time really well considering this was first investigation I have worked on independently. I am aware that I need to continue collecting sources and this is where my time is now being focused as without these I cannot begin to write my investigation. -
Deadline - EPQ question
Deadline - first row of source table
First time line deadline COMPLETED
I met my deadline early as I found this task really quick and easy so it didn't take long to do. As I move on with my investigation, I will continue to keep my timeline up to date as it is highly important that I keep track of my deadlines and when I am completing them, these deadlines are also in my EPQ diary to be referred to. -
Rationale deadline COMPLETED
I met this deadline 7 days early as this was a short task and I managed my time well to make sure I could put thought into it as well as making it as accurate as possible. My rationale will serve as a sense of direction with my investigation that I can refer to incase I lose track of what I need to be doing. -
Deadline - Rationale & First Timelines
500 words deadline COMPLETED
Today I finished my 500 words a day early which shows I am definitely on target, however my time management could have been better as this task should have been done a while ago. It is a positive that I can recognise how I could have improved my time management as I know that next time I have a word deadline I will consider how long it will take me and therefore begin earlier. -
Deadline - first 500 words of investigation
Deadline for all research COMPLETED
I managed to complete the tasks set a day early although I will continue to add more sources as I go along if necessary. The timing could have been handled better as I felt I had to rush to complete the tasks asked of me. -
Deadline - all research completed
Deadline - EPQ primary data
Deadline for 2000 words COMPLETED
I met my deadline early and began to continue with my investigation still independently, I am on target and meeting all of the deadlines therefore I know my time management is successful. Now that I am nearly half way through my investigation, I have become deeply interested in the findings I am beginning to uncover and this motivates me to continue. -
Diary, timeline, skills I have learnt through EPQ COMPLETED
Although I had doubts about meeting this deadline, I was able to spread the work I needed to complete over multiple days and work through each one at a time. I found that this made it easier and less stressful so I enjoyed it. -
Deadline - 2000 words towards dissertation
Deadline - diary and timeline up to date, source table, annotations for sources and new skills learnt
5000 words COMPLETED
After a few months of being focused entirely on my investigation and coming to a conclusion, I was able to finish my investigation with ease and I am really pleased that my predictions matched my outcomes. Throughout the investigation, I have successfully worked independently and gained much more confidence in my own work through this that I never had before. My improved time management skills meant that I did not feel rushed for the final deadline. -
Deadline - 5000 words (complete the whole investigation)
• timeline comparison
• evaluation of time management
• how does EPQ link to education/career
• detailed mid project review - using PPR as a guide
• peer assessment and response to this -
EPQ presentation COMPLETED
My EPQ presentation has now been completed and any extra sheets I wanted to help me present are also printed off, therefore I am ready to present on 19th March. -
EPQ presentation day
Today I presented to multiple people who in return filled out a feedback form evaluating how they feel it went. Having a reduced time to present due to my psychology mock exam meant that I was nervous when beginning however seeing people become intrigued in my topic and begin to question their own beliefs really gave me motivation. -
Whole project evaluation COMPLETED
Within this document I addressed any problems throughout my EPQ, skills I have gained and what went successfully. This allowed me to look over the project as a whole - from beginning to end. I came to the conclusion that I would not change my topic however I would get more participants and argue more within the investigation. -
Presentation evaluation COMPLETED
After presenting last week, I used the feedback forms to write up my evaluation of the presentation. This meant including quotes and data from the forms and what my own feelings were. Overall, the presentation went well with the only major improvement needed being the lack of questionnaires I received back, restricting my analysis in the investigation.