My Timeline

  • Birth

    On September 21, 2002, I was born. I am the fourth kid in my family behind my two sisters, Christine and Michelle, and my brother, Peter. I was born one day early and, according to my parents, I was eight pounds and fifteen ounces. When I was born I had a little hair, chubby cheeks, and no teeth. I was born at Northern Westchester, Mount Kisco, New York at 9:30 PM. Obviously everyone is born and that aspect is not very unique, but only one Scott Feighan has been born.
  • Finding Rap

    Finding Rap
    When I was in 8, my brother played me a song by the Notorious BIG and the song was called Hypnotize. I remember when I first heard it I was not too crazy about it, but after listening to it I began to love it. I then went on my own and found a bunch of rappers that I liked and found the style of rap that intrigued me. My brother got me listening to a lot of old school rappers and I then made my way to the current day rappers and I have been listening to rap music ever since that day.
  • My sister bought a dog

    My sister bought a dog
    I will never forget the day that my sister came home from college and brought a dog home with her. My family and I were coming home from an event and she gave us a call and said that she was coming home from college. We were not expecting this and we knew that something else was going on, but we had no idea what it was. When we got home we were trying to figure out what she could be doing. When she came home, she walked in the house with a small dog named Bella with her in a little bin.
  • First time going on a plane

    First time going on a plane
    I had never been on a plane before in my life and my family decided to go to Florida for Spring break. I was extremely excited, but I was also very nervous because I did not know what to expect. Also, when I was younger I would get motion sickness and I was very scared that that was going to happen. I really wanted to go to Florida, but I was cautious about the flight. In the end, I went on the plane and it was perfectly fine. I actually did not mid it and when we got to Florida it was fun.
  • Confirmation

    When I was in eighth grade I could not wait to get my Confirmation because I had been doing CCD for so many years and I finally wanted it to be over. The process of the Confirmation was a lot longer than what I had imagined it to be. In the end I chose my sister to be my sponsor and my Saint name was Peter. I had to write a long paper about why I chose Peter and who he was. When the process was finally over, I was very excited and then I had a party after and that was very fun.
  • Washington D.C.

    Washington D.C.
    In eighth grade, the school trip was to Washington D.C. and I had been looking forward to it all year. The trip was for three days and we took a coach bus there. During the trip, I got to see a ton of cool things and a bunch of historical landmarks. I thought that the Arlington cemetery was very cool. I remember thinking that it was crazy how the graves are perfectly lined up with each other and have the same amount of space between them. I definitely want to go back and see more.
  • Getting a job

    Getting a job
    When I was younger I always wanted to get a job because I wanted to have money for me to spend and to not have to ask my parents for money for me to do things. In ninth grade I got a job at the Brewster Ice Arena making minimum wage, but I was still making money. At the Brewster Ice Arena, I would work in the snack bar, skate rental, or do utility, which is just cleaning the rink and taking out their garbages. I liked getting the paycheck and having money that was mine and that I could spend.
  • Getting Promoted

    Getting Promoted
    I had been working at the ice arena for a year and I was used to working the regular shifts and I was not expecting to do anything different the next year. Right before the school year started, my manager texted me and asked if I was interested in working in the office during the week and I accepted. I did not know what to expect and when I first started I did not like it. I did not like answering the phones because I was asked questions that I had no answer to. After some time, it got better.
  • Boston Celtics Game

    Boston Celtics Game
    My favorite basketball team is the Boston Celtics and usually, right before Christmas, my family and I go down to the City to go to the New York Ranger game and walk around, but that year we wanted to do something different and I suggested that we go to the Celtics game and we did. I could not wait to go because I wanted to see my two favorite players, which are Kyrie Irving and Jason Tatum. The game was very fun and the Celtics ended up winning the game. I definitely want to go to another one.
  • First roller coaster

    First roller coaster
    Last year I was in physics and every year they go to six flags in New England and go on the rides so I was looking forward to it. I had never been on a roller coaster before and I did not know what to expect. My mom does nit like roller coasters because she does not believe that they are stable so it took some convincing for her to let me go. When I got there I did not know where to start, so I went to a basic one and worked my way up. In the end it was really fun, but I doubt I will go again.
  • Getting My Permit

    Getting My Permit
    Since I was a little kid I could not wait to be able to drive. I am the youngest in my family so I have watched everyone else learn to drive and I was waiting for my turn. Since I am born in September, which is a late birthday, I watched everyone else in my grade get their permit and some people even got their license before I got my permit, so when I finally got it I was very excited. At first I was shaky, but after some practice I got better and felt much more comfortable driving around.