Period: to
Emerging Nation
Obtained the Ohio River Valley
This event is signifciant because it added more territory to the Usa -
John Adams is elected into office
This event is under the politics category because it is a presidency. This event is important becasue it marks a day where Federalists finally had a president into office and could control the rules. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:US_Navy-031029-CLOSEUP-N-6236G-001_A_painting_of_President_John_Adams_(1735-1826),_2nd_president_of_the_United_States,_by_Asher_B._Durand_(1767-1845).jpg -
Thomas Jefferson is elected into office
This event goes under Politics because it is the presidency. It is significant because it marks a new point in history. It is the day that the Democratic-Republican party was first used in presidency. http://oll.libertyfund.org/?option=com_staticxt&staticfile=show.php%3Fperson=3777&Itemid=28 -
Louisiana Purchase
This event is under expansion because it invovles new land being added to America. This event is significant because it added new terrritory to the US and gained a lot more land, going up to the midwest almost. http://storiesofusa.com/american-expansion-marbury-madison-thomas-jefferson-louisiana-purchase-lewis-clark-journey-war-1812-missouri-compromise-monroe-doctrine-indian-removal-act-battle-alamo-mexican-american-war-1803-1853/ -
War of 1812
This event is under politics because it is a war. It is significant becasue it is the first war that America declared as a country. Also the Star-Spangled Banner was writtern during this war. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history-archaeology/The-10-Things-You-Didnt-Know-About-the-War-of-1812.html -
This goes under Politics/Expansion because it was a war, the Mexian-American War, in which having won, America gained the Republic of Texas and the Texas Annexation. https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSblJU-HWHAsyTjlnzMtDmCdgm6KShUTDy7u5Z-Vsi8iZNh9Uze9A -
Morse Code was invented
This goes under Innovation because it is an invention that changed the nation. People could communicate instantly, by the telegraph invented by Samuel Morse. https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSD4FO8yiRX1IHDzo6MHvTLh2zHl1E-oztZITuau8BeFBPA-6hr -
California Gold Rush
This goes under Society because nearly almost everyone in the US, even the world, came to California for the gold. It was almost popular to live in California and mine for the gold. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQqcMvyzohznW6A3uq28fxscWXxVF52mxM55n9QPgK2fFfmDsPW -
Aquired Mexican Cession
This is filed under expansion because the US expanded it's territory and added the current states of California, Nevada, and Utah and some parts of Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona. They acquired the land from the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo. http://www.pershingms.org/MTT/MexicanCession.htm