Elise McVeigh P.7 Religion Quiz

  • Period: 2300 BCE to 1500 BCE


    1.) The population of Hinduism is mainly popular in Southern Asia.
    2.) 15% of todays population studies Hinduism.
    3.) They believe in Karma which not all religions do. Unlike other religions they have a fusion of beliefs.
    4.) Their symbol is called Aw
  • Period: 600 BCE to 500 BCE


    1.) Judaism is most dominate in North America.
    2.) 0.2% of todays population studies Judaism.
    3.) They believe that there is 1 god that has a special agreement with them. They also believe that their god speaks directly to them.
    4.) Their symbol is called the lotis flower.
  • Period: 600 BCE to 400 BCE


    1.) Buddhism is most dominant in the South East regions of the world in Korea, India, and China.
    2.) 7-8% of the world practices Buddhism.
    3.) They believe human life is the cycle of rebirth and suffereing. Budda is the founder.
    4.) The symbol is called the Lotis Flower.
  • 1 BCE


    1.) Christianity is most dominate in the global south and Europe with around 2.382 billion people practicing it.
    2.) Around 31.11 % of our population practices Christianity today.
    3.) One thing that seperates them from all the other religions is that they are monothestics or they believe in one god. Also they believe in Jesus Christ when other religions believe in other gods/god.
    4.) The religion symbol for Christanity is the cross.
  • 601


    1.) Islam is mainly popular in Asia or the pacific region.
    2.) 24% of our popultion practices Islam.
    3.) In Islam they have to face toward the city of Mecca when praying. Also there is no founder it is only god and Mohamid.
    4.) The symbol is the Cresent Star.
  • Period: 722 to 1492

    Reconquista 1

    1.) The war started because Christians felt threatened by Muslims and they both wanted more land, so they fought for the land.
    2.) It took place near the Iberian Penisula in Spain.
    3.) One important event was the Battle of Granada because the city of Granada was a very important city. After the battle the city was distoryed.
  • Period: 722 to 1492

    Reconquista 2

    4.) Alfonso vi was an important person because he was the leader of the Muslims and he helped fight against the Christians.
    5.) In the end Reconquista decreesed 3 cities, Granada, Cordaba, and Seville. In the end the Christians won and 200,000 Jews and Muslims were expelled from their homes.
  • Period: 1096 to 1272

    Crusades 2

    5.) After many crusades the Muslims finally got the land but the Christians were able to bring back many religious beleifs.
  • Period: 1096 to 1272

    The Crusades 1

    1.) The war started because Christians wanted the holy land but the muslims had power over it. It was a war against Christians and Muslims.
    2.) It took place in the Eastern Mediterranian.
    3.) One important event is the Circassian Genisade which had 1.5 million people killed or deported.
    4.) One important person was Caliph Umar. He was important because he was the Muslim ruler.
  • Period: to

    30 years war 1

    1.) The war started because Ferdiand 2 wanted all of the people to become Catholic but the prostents didn't want to convert. It was a war between the catholics and the protestants.
    2.) It took place in the Check Republic region.
    3.) One important event was during the White Mountain Battle the catholics invaded Bohima to make more people convert. This is important because it was a major battle and many people died.
  • Period: to

    30 years war 2

    4.) Ferdiand the second was important because he was the leader of the catholic people and was the main person who wanted all people to convert.
    5.) In the end no one won. However there was a peace tready signed that caused the war to end finally after 30 years. During this war 450000 people died.
  • Period: to

    Circassian War

    1.) The war started because Russia wanted more control as well as wanting more land. It was against Russia who were Christians and Circassians who were Muslim.
    2.) It took place in south west Russia and south east Ukrain and the coast of the Black Sea.
    3.) One important event was the circassian genisade. This was important because they killed and deported 1.5 million people.
  • Period: to

    Circassian War 2

    4.) An important person is Tsar Nicolas. He is important because he was the person who started the fighting. If it wasn't for him there wouldn't have been this war.
    5.) In the end as the result many Muslims were killed or deported, they converted everyone to Christanity, and they expanded Russia.
  • Israeli - Palestine Conflict

    1.) The war started because both the Muslims and the Jews wanted Israel.
    2.) It took place after the Hollacost in Israel.
    3.) One important event was in 2021 the palastine launched a rocket and attacked Israel. This was important because this caused many deaths and was very recent.
  • Israeli - Palestine Conflict 2

    4.) One important persone is Ariel Sharon. He is important because he led the invasion.
    5.) There is no result of the conflict yet. The war is still happening. However, the US has been supporting them throughtout the war.
  • Period: to

    Soviet invasion of Afghanistan 2

    5.) The result of this conflict was they signed a accord which ended it. However they still had very bad finance. Also as a result of the US helping them 9/11 occured.
  • Period: to

    Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

    1.) This was a war agianst 2 different parts of one religion they were fighting because one part of the religion didn't want islam.
    2.) It took place in Afghanistan in Kapol.
    3.) One important event was the battle of Argandab. This was an important event because it was a big battle with many deaths and caused 1.5 million people to fled Iran.
    4.) Osamabin Laber was one important person. He was important because he was the reason for 9/11.
  • Period: to

    Syrian Civil War

    1.) This was a war between the Shia and the Sunni. The Sunni made up most of the population of Syria but the Shia had more power which made the Sunni mad causing the war.
    2.) It manly took place in Syria.
    3.) One important event was that the president Bashar Al Assad would use chemical weapons on his own people. This was important because these weapons were very deadly and when the people would be attacked with them they would die.
  • Period: to

    Syrian Civil War 2

    4.) One important indivisual was Bashar Al Assad. He was important because he was the president and he would use deadly chemical weapons against his own people.
    5.) This war has not ended. However, it has lead many people out of Syria and has caused many deaths.