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Eli Whitney

  • Birth

    Eli Whitney was born in Massachusetts
  • Nail production

    Nail production
    At onlt 14 years old Eli made his first contribution in the form of a new nail production technology. His work increased the efficiency of how many nails we can produce and their quality.
  • College graduation

    College graduation
    In 1792 Whitney graduated from the prestigious Yale university after on 3 short years. Yale is where he learned about different industry and began to shape his future.
  • South Carolina

    South Carolina
    In 1792 Whitney traveled to Carolina where he met Nathaniel Greene. Greene invited Whitney to tour his plantation in Georgia. Whitney was working as a private tutor on a South Carolina Plantation.
  • Georgia

    After traveling to the plantation in Georgia Eli is inspired and recognizes the need for a new cash crop this is the beginning of his work in revolutionizing the Cotton industry.
  • Cotton gin

    Cotton gin
    In 1794 Eli Whitney received a patent on the cotton gin. The cotton gin was by far the most efficient way of removing the seed from cotton. This was a major change in the industry and began the boom of cotton as a cash crop.
  • Contract muskets

    Contract muskets
    Eli Whitney revived a contract from the US military and produced around 15,000 muskets for the war.
  • Married

    Eli Whitney married Henrietta Edwards
  • Death

    Eli Whitney died in 1825 of prostate cancer
  • Slave Trade

    Slave Trade
    By the 1860s the results of the cotton gin had been felt both intended and unintended. The cotton gin saldly had played a major role in an influx in American slavery. While unintended by Whitney this continued even after his death