Eli Whitney's date of birth.
Eli Whitney Eli Whitney's birthplace took place in Westboro, Massachusetts. -
Period: to
The Life of Eli Whitney
Early Life.
Eli Whitney's Home Eli Whittney grew up in Westboro, Massachusetts. He grew up working on his family farm. This is where he developed an intrest to create a machine to make farming production more effecient. -
Impact During Revolutionary War.
Eli Whitney's Nail Machine Eli Whitney was a succesful inventor even when he was young. During the Revolutionary War he became an expert of crrafting nails. A large demand for nails was called upon because of the British embargoes. -
College Educatioon
Yale in the 1700's Eli Whitney attended Yale in 1789. He went into Yale expecting to study law. He found himelf short of funds so he had to change to his study. -
Cotton MillThe first cotton mill was created in 1790. Eli Whitney was inspired to come up with a succesful invention that gathered cotton quickly. Three years later his dream of this invention would be fulfilled. -
Graduation from Yale
Graduation He graduated in 1792 from Yale. He graduated Phi Betta Kappa. After graduation he moved to South Carolina to become a private tutor. -
Whitney To The South
After graduation Whitney moved to Savana, Georgia. It is there he became a tutor for young children. While in Gerogia he made a name for himself by inventing machines for his hostesses in Georgia. There he was informed of a need of an invention speed the production of cotton to a higher level. -
Life after Graduation
Mulberry Grove Whitney took a job at Mulberry Grove Plantation. There he met his buisness partner Phineas Miller. -
Invention of Cotten Gin
VIDEOOn Octiber 29, 1793 Whitney applied for a pattent for the cotten gin. With the help from his buisness partner, they were able to change farming for the better. -
Cotten Gin Patent
Cotton Gin
The cotton gin became officially patent on March 14, 1794. The cotten gin changed the way cotten was gathered by speeding the process up by almost ten times as much production. -
The Fight Against Infringers
Justice Whitney and his partner planned to seize the cotton world after the invention of the cotton gin. This was made impossible because of pirated machines. These machines were illegal due to the pattent but they made a lot of money for those individuals. He took infringers to court but he lost his first case. -
A New Career
GunsWhitney signed hs first contract with the Federal Government. He would manufacture weapons instead. He promised to have over 4,000 weapons delivered by the end of September in 1799. Then he promised to have over 6,000 the next year. The government agreed that if he did so he would receive $5,000. -
Whitney failed with his promises. He delivered only 500 guns by 1801. The last guns were not delivered until 1809 which was about nine years late of his promise. -
Soon To Be Finished
last one sold Eli Whitney finished his contract with the Federal Government in 1809. By this time the government had advanced him over $131,000. Eli Whitney was a great inventor but had trouble making profits off of them. He finished his life with a bit of a lower reputaion. -
Eli Whitney's Death
Eli Whitney passed away on January 8, 1825 in New Haven, Ct.