
Educational Technology Progression

  • 1440

    Invention of the Printing Press

    Invention of the Printing Press
    The printing press was invented, revolutionizing the average person's access to information across the world.
  • Invention of the fountain pen

    Invention of the fountain pen
    The fountain pen is created, allowing reusable pens to be utilized in the classroom instead of always using quills and ink
  • Invention of the Chalkboard

    Invention of the Chalkboard
    The use of chalkboards in class effectively revolutionized communication in the classroom, as at the time the only form of found in classes was with ink and quill, which utilized massive amounts of paper compared to being able to erase chalk off a chalkboard.
  • First computer is developed

    First computer is developed
    This computer used vacuum tubing and was completed at the University of Pennsylvania. It was known as ENIAC
  • Overhead Projectors are introduced

    Overhead Projectors are introduced
    Overhead Projectors, a common staple even in the classroom when I was in school through the early 2000's, is created. Roger Appledorn created the machine while working at the company 3M
  • Scantrons introduced widely

    Scantrons introduced widely
    The scantron, still a staple in education in both in primary and secondary education, is invented by Michael Sokolski
  • First personal computer invented

    First personal computer invented
    The MITS Alair 8800 and the IMSAI 8080 came out, followed by Apple's APPLE I coming out the following year. These introduced the first consumer-friendly computers onto the market, marking the beginning of an information revolution similar to the printing press.
  • The "Internet" is born

    The "Internet" is born
    Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn send the first ever transmission protocol paper
  • Mosaic for X is created

    Mosaic for X is created
    The first ever widely used internet browser created for the world wide web is made by Marc Andreessen at the University of Illinois
  • Apple iPad invention

    Apple iPad invention
    Apple releases its longly-awaited tablet-sized product that complimented the popular iPhone. These products can be found in nearly every school today either as a mobile lab for each teacher to rent out, or as a resource that individual classes can use.