Education History- Chapter 7

  • 3100 BCE

    Education in Ancient Egypt

    They did not go to school, boys when and learned to farm with their fathers, and girls learned to sew and cook (Lambert, 2019).
  • 800 BCE

    Education in Ancient Greece

    Girls learned to weave from their mothers, and sometimes how to read and write. Boys started school at age seven (Lambert, 2019).
  • 212

    Education In Rome

    The rich children often just studied at home learning from a tutor. Other children went to school, the girls attending only primary school, and the boys going to primary and secondary schools.
  • 1492

    Education in the Middle Ages

    The rich were educated, while the poor got simple teachings like some reading from the priests (Lambert, 2019). (476-1492)
  • Dictionary

    The first English Dictionary was written in 1604 by Robert Cawdrey (OED, 2018).
  • First "Free School" in America

    Virginia opens the first "free school" in America. But most of the Southern colonies still just do homeschooling (Sass, 2019).
  • Printing Press

    The first printing press is set up at Harvard College. This was the first one to be set up in the American Colonies (Sass, 2019).
  • The First Publicly supported Library

    In the year 1698, in Charles Town, South Carolina, the first publicly supported library in the United States was established (Sass, 2019).
  • The Young Ladies Academy

    Philadelphia is home to the first ladies academy in the first 13 colonies (Sass, 2019)
  • Bill of Rights

    The first Congress of the United States established the Bill of Rights. While there is nothing about education mentioned in the bill specifically, the Tenth Amendment speaks on power going to the people, so education became a function of the state rather than the federal government (Sass, 2019).
  • Blackboard

    The modern blackboard was invented by James Pillans (Sass, 2019).
  • Gallaudet University.

    The first college for deaf people is opened, it is called Gallaudet University (Sass, 2019)
  • First Public High School

    One of the first public high schools in the United States to open was, Boston English High school (Sass, 2019).
  • The First School Superintendent

    The first school superintendent is appointed in Louisville, Kentucky (Sass, 2019).
  • Equal Admission

    In 1855 the University of Iowa was the first state university to have equal admission for men and women into their school (Sass, 2019).
  • The Department of Education

    The United States created The Department of Education in order to establish effective school systems (Sass, 2019).
  • Fountain Pen

    The first fountain pen is patented by Lewis Waterman (Sass, 2019).
  • First Junior High School

    To improve high school graduation rates, the Columbus Ohio School board, decided to put in junior high schools. The first Junior High School to open in the United States was Indianola Junior High School (Sass, 2019).
  • Beginning of The Great Depression

    When the stock market crashed many schools were forced to close, many teachers were laid off, and if they weren't they experienced major salary cuts because Public Education Funding suffered a great loss (Sass, 2019).
  • The Civil Rights Act

    The Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination. Meaning discrimination against race, origin, sex, and religion (Sass, 2019).
  • First Online School

    The first online school is founded, CompuHigh Whitmorte (Sass, 2019).
  • Whiteboards

    The whiteboards begin to replace all of the blackboards in classrooms (Sass, 2019).
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    In 2001 the NCLB Act is put into place, this act holds schools accountable for the achievement levels students should meet, and holds schools accountable with penalties when they do not reach those goals (Sass, 2019).
  • Writing Tools

    You can write online using word processors, and even write where other people can see it instantly and you can also see theirs. It edits for you and makes revising a lot easier than using pencil and paper (Ryan, Cooper, Bolick, 2016, p. 195)
  • Digital Storytelling

    Students can take photos and then write about them write in the same software. They can even record it in their own voices (Ryan, Cooper, Bolick, 2016, p. 196).
  • Drill-and-Practice

    Online games that help students to practice, the software monitors how they are doing and how often they get questions right or wrong (Ryan, Cooper, Bolick, 2016, p. 197).
  • Science Experiments

    Science can now all be done online, students can experience the experiments online where they can use calculators, and test hypothesis from anywhere, not just in the school lab (Ryan, Cooper, Bolick, 2016, p. 199).
  • Spreadsheets

    Online spread sheets are being used to organize data sets, and create graphs(Ryan, Cooper, Bolick, 2016, p. 200).
  • Foreign Language Education

    This can be provided by online tools such as podcasts, and other free listening programs (Ryan, Cooper, Bolick, 2016, p. 204).
  • Virtual Field Trips

    Provide information about a place without students actually visiting. You go on a field trip through the computer to anywhere you want (Ryan, Cooper, Bolick, 2016, p. 203).
  • Virtual Schools

    Many places are providing entirely online schooling, where they can post lectures and assignments that you can do from home (Ryan, Cooper, Bolick, 2016, p. 205).
  • Blogs and Vlogs

    You can post online journals, or video record your journals and then upload them to the internet if you choose (Ryan, Cooper, Bolick, 2016, p. 197).
  • Mind Maps

    Help demonstrate students understandings of a concept or a story. Software such as Inspiration uses visuals as a technique to teach students how to organize their thoughts (Ryan, Cooper, Bolick, 2016, p. 197).
  • Presentations

    You can create presentations about any subject, and add pictures, video clips, and any useful information you want to create a more interactive classroom (Ryan, Cooper, Bolick, 2016, p. 197).
  • Digital Imagery

    This online tool can be very helpful in showing still photos, and videos, to show things students may not otherwise see, giving them a greater understanding of the material (Ryan, Cooper, Bolick, 2016, p. 199).
  • Tutorials

    Tutorial software can be used to show how to do anything. They provide instructions on any topic (Ryan, Cooper, Bolick, 2016, p. 203).
  • Social Media

    Social media is a way for people from all over to stay connected. Students can connect with people of all kinds at anytime, for example, by watching vlogs (Ryan, Cooper, Bolick, 2016, p. 205).
  • 3-D Printing

    You can create anything you want, and the machine then prints the 3-D layers (Ryan, Cooper, Bolick, 2016, p. 204).
  • Accessing Information

    With technology today you can access any information you can think of just by searching it in Google, this has made the research process much easier (Ryan, Cooper, Bolick, 2016, p. 201).
  • Strike

    In Los Angeles 30,000 public school teachers go on strike. The cause of the strike was being underpaid, lack of support staff, and then also the class sizes (Sass, 2019).