EDSP 430-Special Education Timeline

By Devs
  • Institution for Blind Children

    Institution for Blind Children
    In Paris, Valentin Hauy establishes an institution for blind children. He also discovers that blind children can read raised letters.
  • Education for the Mentally Disabled

    Education for the Mentally Disabled
    Jean-Marc Gaspard Itard uses some of the methods and principles we use today in education for disabled children
  • Formal Deaf Education Begins in US

    Formal Deaf Education Begins in US
    Thomas H. Gallaudet opens the first permanent school for the deaf in the US. It is also the first to educate the disabled in the US.
  • Braille Alphabet Invented

    Braille Alphabet Invented
    Louis Braille invents the raised point alphabet for blind people to be able to read.
  • Telephone Invention

    Telephone Invention
    Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone while trying to create a device to mechanically make speech visible. He did this at a school for deaf teachers.
  • Study of Dyslexia

    Study of Dyslexia
    Samuel Orton sets up mobile clinic to evaluate students who were seen as "retarded or failing in school". He found that several of them were their because they had trouble learning to read but had average-above average IQs. He observed that many of these students would reverse letter orders or transpose the order.
  • Architectural Barriers Act

    Architectural Barriers Act
    Requires that buildings using federal funds need to use the federal standards for physical accessibility.
  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

    Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
    It protects the rights of individuals with disabilities in programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance. It is the first disability civil rights law in the United States.
  • IEP in school system around the world

    IEP in school system around the world
    The Individual Education Plan was introduced into the school systems around the world. This lets students with disabilities get the same education as everyone else
  • IDEA signed

    IDEA signed
    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act was signed by president Gerald Ford.
  • Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act

     Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act
    Allows US Attorney General to investigate local government institutions such as jail, juvenile detention centers, nursing homes for conditions of confinement for people with psychiatric or developmental disabilities
  • Fair Housing Act

    Fair Housing Act
    Prohibits housing discrimination based on age, race, sex, disability, religion, etc.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    Prohibits discrimination of people disabilities in work, school, transportation, and all public life.
  • Assistive Technology Act

    Assistive Technology Act
    Is a state grant program that has the Secretary of Education to provide grants for assistive technology
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    Yearly testing for children grades 3-8. One time testing in High School as well.
  • First Time Being Tested

    First Time Being Tested
    I was in the first grade when I was first tested for a learning disability. I did not test that high and did not get any services. My parents were told that they should not test me in the first place
  • Outside of School Testing

    Outside of School Testing
    I was tested a second time out side of school this time when I was in the second grade. I have dyslexia and still did not qualify for help.
  • Retested agin in 4th grade

    Retested agin in 4th grade
    I had a great teacher in the fourth grade who helped a lot and pushed for me to get retested. I was finally able to get help and got and IEP
  • Charles Armstrong School

    Charles Armstrong School
    I was admitted and attended the private school for children with dyslexia for 6th-8th grade.
  • High School Tested

    High School Tested
    When I got to High School I had to be retested to get an IEP after attending the private school where I did not need one. I was in the grey area of testing for needing or not needing an IEP. My mom pushed for me to be able to have an IEP for high school.
  • IEP Turned Into 504

    IEP Turned Into 504
    My senior year of high school I was evaluated again and no longer needed an IEP. I was able to get a 504 so that when I got to college I would be able to get the accommodations I needed.
  • Disability in College

    Disability in College
    My freshman year of college at SSU I went to the disability office with my friend from High School who also has a disability. I qualified for accommodations, extended time on tests and a quite place for testing, but my friend did not qualify. I realized how in college it was not always the same for getting accommodations as it was in High School. In High School my friend and I had similar accommodations and both had study hall for students with disabilities to be able to get extra help.