Period: Jan 1, 1525 to
Ecuador`s Independence
Jul 26, 1527
They Came...
Francisco Pizarro came from Europe to the coasts of Peru in its 2nd voyage. -
Aug 29, 1563
A New Territory
the Real Audiencia de Quito was created.takes place from Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean, in few words all the Amazon river. -
A Signature...
Spain and Portugal signed a territorial treat of Real Audiencia de Quito. -
Patriots get into the home of Manuela Cañizarez for planning Real Audiencia de Quito independence -
Jail Deaths
Spanish killed the people and patriots that were in jail. -
Spanish Court
was showed the spanish court to the Real Audiencia de Quito. -
The last ones...
In Real Audiencia de Quito starts the persecussion of the last patriots. -
Guayaquil "Perla del Pacifico"
Guayaquil got independent from spain at the morning of this 9 of october -
Most got independent
From 3 to 11 of november: Riobamba, Cuenca, Machachi, Azogues, Latacunga and more got independent -
A new soldier!!!
Simon Bolivar sends Mariscal Antonio Jose de Sucre for independing Quito. -
At the city of Quito, in the slopes from Pichincha volcano the Battleof Pichincha tooked place. With the help of Sucre, we got Independence!!! -
Gran Colombia
Real Audiencia de Quito is now part from Gran Colombia. -
We are ECUADOR!!!
The venezuelan Juan Jose Flores, the first president separates Ecuador from Gran Colombia