Economy and Development

  • 1497

    Expedition by John Cabot along the coasts of Newfoundland and Labrador

    Expedition by John Cabot along the coasts of Newfoundland and Labrador
    After the discovery of Newfoundland by explorer John Cabot, European fisherman, mainly Bretons, Basques, and Portuguese participated in cod fishing close to Labrador and Newfoundland Island and the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
  • Period: to

    Monopoly of Merchant Companies

    The king of France gave full control over the fur trade to the 100 associates company.
  • Mercantilist Policies

    Mercantilist Policies
    France based their economic development to mercantilism. Mercantilism is an economic theory that bases a nation's whealth on the amount of gold and silver they have.
  • Period: to

    Talon's attempt to diversify the economy

    Talon imported domestic animals (cows, horses, and sheep) from France and gave them to the settlers for the development of animal breeding. He also brought cereals (barley, rye, oats, etc), vegetables (carrots, onions, beans, etc) and hemp.
  • Creation of the Hudson's Bay Company

    Creation of the Hudson's Bay Company
    They built trading posts throughout the entire region. Fur trade in this region was the subject of a bitter rivalry between France and Great Britain and resulted in a series of land and sea battles.
  • Growth of the triangular trade

    Growth of the triangular trade
    The French organized trade between France, New France, and the West Indies. Boats cannot leave a port empty handed. They must be full of products or resources. Boats leaving New France and the West Indies must transport natural resources to France. Boats leaving France for New France or the West Indies must transport manufactured good.
  • Founding of the Forges du Saint-Maurice; Establish of the royal shipyard

    Founding of the Forges du Saint-Maurice; Establish of the royal shipyard
    They are diversifying the economy.
  • Control of the fur trade by British merchants

    Control of the fur trade by British merchants
    The British owned most of the companies for the fur trade and dominated the market.
  • Creation of the Northwest Company by the Montrealers

    Creation of the Northwest Company by the Montrealers
    The Montrealers created the Northwest company which competed against the Hudson's Bay Compay in the fur trade.
  • The favour of the Timber trade over the Fur trade.

    The favour of the Timber trade over the Fur trade.
    Furs were stockpiling in warehouses in France and our main export became timber because it was in such abundance.
  • Period: to

    British Protectionism

    Protectionism was the replacement for mercantilism. Instead of favouring the mother contry like in mercantilism, protectionism prtoects the economy of the contry or empire from foreign competition.
  • Founding of the Bank of Montreal

    Founding of the Bank of Montreal
    Since the timber trade was so lucrative, a bank had to be created, the bank of montreal.
  • Merger of the Northwest Company with the Hudson's Bay Company

    Merger of the Northwest Company with the Hudson's Bay Company
    The government merged the two companies under the name: The Hudson's Bay Company. They stopped looking for furs in Montreal and continued in the Hudson Bay area.
  • Construction of the Lachine Canal

    Construction of the Lachine Canal
    In order to transport merchandise inland by water, the first canal was build, the Lachine Canal.
  • Period: to

    The Reciprocity Treaty

    The United States and Canada signed the Reciprocity Treaty to be able to trade without having to pay customs duties.
  • Period: to

    First phase of industrialization

    They had hard working conditions; working 70 hours a week and working 6 days a week and kids had to work as well. They had a low tech, unskilled and uneducated workers.
  • Macdonald's National Policy

    Macdonald's National Policy
    The National Policy increased in protectionist tariffs, expansion of the railway and imigration to the west of Canada.
  • Period: to

    Second phase of industrialization

    They had less working hours and had to work 5 days a week instead of 6. The workers were better qualified and kids didn't have to work anymore and could go to school. They had higher tech.
  • Stock Market Crash (New York)

    Stock Market Crash (New York)
    Beginning of the great depression and created a lot of unemployement.
  • Period: to

    Great Depression

    When the stock market crashed it created a lot of unemeployment and bankruptcies which strted the great depression.
  • Period: to

    World War 2

    World War 2 helped out the Canadian economy a lot. It ended the great depression because people were either at war of making uniforms or food for the war. The unemployment rate went down a lot and the economy was beginning to stablize.
  • Creation of Hydro-Quebec

    Creation of Hydro-Quebec
    The government of Quebec bought out all the electricity companies and created Hydro-Quebec which is the only electricity company in Quebec.
  • Period: to

    Quiet Revolution

    Quebecers became aware of the domination of their province's economy by foreign companies.
  • First major oil crisis

    First major oil crisis
    Oil was a major part of the ecomony.
  • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

    North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
    U.S.A, Canada, and Mexico would be able to trade freely among each other.