Economics of Westward Expansion

By mfish33
  • Invention of the Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney saw how time-consuming it was to manually remove the green seeds from cotton. As a solution, he invented the machine called a Cotton Gin wich removed the seeds much faster than what could be done previously. This changed the south drastically and the cash crop changed from tobacco to cotton.
  • First factory

    Slater Mill was the first U.S factory. It was started by Samuel slater who came to America with the knowledge of British spinning machines.
  • Invention of Interchangeable Parts

    In a demonstration in front President Elect Jefferson and President Adams, Eli Whitney demonstrated the idea of interchangeable parts. This concept revolutionised the industrial world and was adapted to many industries.
  • First Mass Produced Steam Engine

    In 1804 Oliver Evans of Philadelphia invented an adaptable High-pressure steam engine. This was quickly used in boats, sawmills, flour mills, printing presses and textile factories.
  • Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves

    The act banned the importation of slaves into america. The act did not ban the internal trade of slaves nor did it free the children of slaves. The slave trade continued to grow even with this act.
  • First Manufacturing Corporation

    At first, corporations were only used for banking and construction but in 1813 the Boston Manufacturing Company was made. In a corporation, investors are only liable with their investment not all their assets.
  • The Panic of 1819

    The panic of 1819 was the first major financial crisis of the United Stated. There was bank failures, unemployment, and a slump in agriculture and manufacturing.
  • Ohio Railroad

    The Ohio railroad was the first chartered U.S. railroad. It was built to make Baltimore a more competitive with New York. Quickly after this railroad, many others were built due to the success. Trains were responsible for revolutionizing the transportation of goods in America.
  • W.A. Burt invents a typewriter

    The typewriter was very important because it allowed information to be recorded quickly and in a legible way. It eventually became an icon of American women.
  • Panic of 1837

    The panic was caused by major speculation on Western lands done by state banks, with money from the Second bank of the U.S. When the price of land crashed banks closed, shortly thereafter businesses closed and thousands lost their jobs.
  • Morse Code and the Invention of the Telegraph

    In 1844 the first telegraph message was sent between Washington D.C. to Baltimore. This revolutionized communication and allowed messages to travel the country instantly.