ECED 390

  • Timetoast

    Start working on your timetoast timeline!
  • Period: to

    ECED 390- Time Toast

    Stacey Franczek's ECED 390 Timetoast Timeline!
  • Timetoast Options

    Timetoast Options
    Public-$0/month,1 user, ads, and public timelines
    Basic- $5.99/month, 5 users, ad free, collaboration, create groups, comment moderation
    Pro- $8.99/month, 35 users, ad free, collaboration, create groups, comment moderation
  • Timetoast Tutorial

    Timetoast Tutorial
  • Example of Timetoast in the Classroom The teacher created a WW1 timeline, and using his pro account he had the students fill in the correct pieces of the timeline as a group.
  • Timetoast Likes

    Timetoast Likes
    What I like about TImetoast:
    1) There is free option that you could use to better understand the webiste and if you would use it in the classrrom.
    2) It is easy to use. I had no problem trying to figure out how to use timetoast.
    3) It could be used inside the classroom and could easliy get creative with your lessons.
  • ECED 390

    Timetoast timeline is due!
  • Timetoast Dislikes

    Timetoast Dislikes
    What I didn't like about Timetoast:
    1) You cannot change the color of your timeline. I think using blue for every timeline would become boring.
    2) Timetoast would be more interactive for older students (5th grade and up). However, teachers could create their timeline and work with the students to complete the timeline in the lower grades.