ECD Timeline

  • Born

    I was born in Hawaii on July 3rd, my family was stationed in Hawaii due to my father being in the Navy.
  • My dad being in the Navy

    My dad was deployed alot due to the Navy and for long periods of time. Not having my dad around really made me stronger as well as impacted me in negative ways because I didnt have a father figure around very much.
  • 9/11

    My father was in the Pentagon when the plane crashed on 9/11. My fathers office was hit but luckliy at the time he wasnt in the office. I remember coming home to my mother crying on the couch with her hair up in a towel from the shower. This was an extremely scary moment for my family and brought us closer together.
  • Getting my cats

    After 9/11 me and my sister decided we didnt want to die without having pets so we got to cats who have been a huge load of responsibility in my life and also a comfort through tough times.
  • Neighbors house caught on fire

    One day my neighbors house caught on fire and after that night I had anxiety when it came to sleeping and was put on medication to help me sleep at night.
  • My boyfriend

    I met my boyfriend my junior year in high school and this have become very serious. He attends ASU with me here and we have plans for the future. He is also involved in ROTC here as ASU and understands the way i grew up since him to came from a military family. I have grown as a person with him by my side and have made new friends and expanded myself to do new things since meeting him.
  • High school friends

    My best friend from high school wasnt very supportive or nice my senior year so struggling with friends has made me more independent and a stronger person. This event also brought me closer to my family.
  • Graduated High School

    I graduated high school from South County High School in 2013
  • Going to ASU

    Being so far away from home is hard, I am from Virgainia and not being close to my family has made me stronger but has also put me through alot of hard times here at ASU
  • Joining a sorority

    I joined Pi Beta Phi after coming to ASU which has definatly benefited my social life. Before Pi Phi I was very quiet and closed off but I have grown and now feel more comfortable in social situations.