

  • 1982 BCE

    Start of the history (1462)

    Start of the history (1462)
    Constantinople falls, the Muslim Turks spread across Europe with a large army attacking Numania.
    A warrior of the order of the dragon emerged to defend the territory, Dracula was widely recognized and feared.
    As revenge, the Turks sent false news of Dracula's death, causing his beloved to commit suicide.
    Due to Dracula's despair, he became a vampire due to a curse.
  • Period: 1982 BCE to

    Dracula reading

    This is a representation of time in dracula reading.
  • Period: 1982 BCE to


    This is a representation of dracula reading.
  • Period: to

    Dracula cross line

    this timespan is the representation of the time in the reading about dracula
  • Jonathan Harker´s Journal

    Jonathan Harker´s Journal
    Due to a problem, I received the business of selling and making a contract with Count Dracula in Transylvania, and decided that when I return from this trip, I will marry my beloved.
  • Jonathan Hacker´s Journal

    Jonathan Hacker´s Journal
    I´m arrived in the east, I am heading to a land on the border of 3 states: transylvania, moldova and bucovina in the capatos mountain range.
  • 1st night in the castle of Dracula.

    1st night in the castle of Dracula.
    The landscape is very dark, there are many wild animals in this territory, most of these are wild and bloody wolves, it seems that Dracula takes them as his cubs and when they howl he takes it as a very comforting song.
  • 1st day at Dracula's castle.

    1st day at Dracula's castle.
    I have not seen count dracula during the day, and I have observed that during the day I have only observed many subjects of the count, they are very faithful but some look very cold
  • 2nd night in the castle

    2nd night in the castle
    The count asked me to write 3 letters to inform my beloved that I would be with the count for 1 month so that the deal on the properties would be valid, that was the only condition.
  • 2nd day

    2nd day
    I couldn't sleep because I wrote the letters during the night, I couldn't sleep because I felt watched and very uncomfortable.
    for some reason the con of dracula, does not leave his room during the day, I have not seen him once during the day.
  • 2nd night in the castle.

    2nd night in the castle.
    I haven't been able to sleep at all because I feel very uncomfortable, I don't know if it's my imagination, but I hear very peculiar and terrifying sounds Dracula has come to pick up the letters, I have not written my fears because without a doubt he will read them.
  • 3rd day

    3rd day
    After Dracula picked up my letters I sent them to my beloved, for some reason I have seen Dracula's subjects carrying many boxes with earth from inside the castle, I don't understand why or why they do it, they have worked day and night without some rest
  • 3rd night

    3rd night
    Dracula came to my room, he talked to me a little just when he left my room, I noticed something that left me trembling, dracula was climbing the outer walls of the castle, that left me cold, I left my room to get some air but At that moment I heard the voices of a woman and I followed them, without realizing it I was seduced by them, it was not just 1 but there were 3, they all bit me and drained my blood, Dracula noticed this and separated them from me, but he kept me as a prisoner.
  • final night

    final night
    It may be the last time I write in this diary, I have been Dracula's prisoner I don't know for how long, I have tried to escape, but each attempt has been unsuccessful, each time I find myself weaker, these women drain my blood To prevent me from escaping, for the last time I will try to escape, if I don't write more, take me for dead.