Dominican Republic

  • 1492


    Christopher Columbus landed and explored the now Dominican Republic on his first voyage. Claiming it for Spain.
  • Treaty of Ryswick

    Spain agrees to split the present day Dominican Republic with France.
  • From Spain to France

    Spain cedes its portion of the island to France.
  • Santo Domingo

    Spain reclaims Santo Domingo.
  • Independence from Spain

    Independence from Spain
    The Dominican Republic gained its independence from spain on November 30th 1821. Only to loose control of the country again under the rein Haitian government, who re-established slavery.
  • Dominican War of Independence

    Dominican War of Independence
    On Febuary 27th 1844, shots were fired from the guns of plotters against the Haitian government. They successfuly fought for Dominican independence until 1856.
  • The First Republic

    The First Republic
    The first Dominican Constitution was put in place.
  • Collapse of the New Republic

    Following a year of war Santo Domingo was captured by Santana and the New Republic was overthrown.
  • War of Restoration

    Conflict of four years between Dominican nationalists and Spanish sympathizers
  • Treaty Signed

    Dominican Republic and United States sign a treaty saying that the Dominican Republic will control the customs department in turn for buying its debts.