DNA Timeline

  • Paper Published on the Discovery of the Basic Principles of Genetics

    Gregor Mendel, Experiments with Pea Plants, 1856-1863
  • Friedrich Miescher isolated Nuclein - Now called DNA

  • Chromosomes are the basis of heredity

    Walter Stanborough Sutton, Columbia University
  • Period: to

    Work on the Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance begins

    Thomas Hunt Morgan, Columbia University, 1904-1921, Work with Fruit Flies
  • A.H. Sturtevant publishes the first Genetic Map

  • DISCOVERY Bacteria can gain DNA

    Frederick Griffith experiments with bacteria and uncovers the process of transformation, by which bacteria can get DNA.
  • Thomas Hunt Morgan receives Nobel Prize

  • Period: to

    Barbar McClintock devotes herself to genetic studies, discovers Telomeres

  • Avery–MacLeod–McCarty experiment

    DNA is the substance that causes bacterial transformation, not proteins
  • A. Hershey and M. Chase confirm DNA as genetic material

  • Rosalind Franklin X-Rays DNA fibers

  • Watson and Crick discover the structure of DNA

    Using Rosalind Franklin's X-Ray photographs, Watson and Crick figure out the double helix
  • Meselson–Stahl experiment

    Using E. coli DNA, Meselson and Stahl concluded that DNA replication was semiconservative.
  • Watson and Crick receive a Nobel Prize

  • A.H. Sturtevant receives National Medal of Science for his achievements in genetics

  • Invention of the Southern blot

    Sir Edwin Mellor Southern
  • Polymerase chain reaction Technique Developed

    Kary Mullis discovers an easy way and inexpensive way to clone DNA
  • Barbara McClintock receives a Nobel Prize

  • Edwin Southern wins a Gairdner Foundation International Award

  • Kary Mullis receives Nobel Prize