Johann Gregor Mendel
Mendel did research with pea plants and it took him eight years (1856-1863) and he published his results in 1865. It wasn't until 1900, that his experimental results were understood. -
Friedrich Miescher
Miescher moved to Tubingen to work in the laboratory of biochemist Hoppe-Seyler. Leucocytes was his source material, he first researched the proteins in these cells. -
Mendel's research is rediscovered
Mendel's experiments from 1866 are rediscovered A British man named William Bateson soon translates Mendel's paper into English -
William Bateson
The word "genetics" is coined by William Bateson. -
Chromosome Theory
The chromosome theory of heredity is confirmed in studies of fly eye color inheritance by Morgan and colleagues. -
Beadle and Tatum
One gene encodes one protein, as described by Beadle and Tatum. -
Lederberg and Tatum
Genetic material can be transferred laterally between bacterial cells, as shown by Lederberg and Tatum -
Chemical Stucture of DNA
Maurice Wilkins, Rosalind Franklin, Francis H. C. Crick of Britain and James D. Watson of the U.S. discover chemical structure of DNA, starting a new branch of science--molecular biology. -
Messenger RNA is the intermediate between DNA and protein. -
Genetic Code
The Genetic code was discovered scientists were now able to predict characteristics by studying DNA. This lead to genetic engineering and genetic counseling. -
Fred Sanger
DNA sequencing technology is developed by Fred Sanger. -
First Crime
A team of scientists began the project to map the human genome.
The first crime conviction based on DNA fingerprinting, in Portland Oregon. -
Gene therapy
Gene therapy was used on patients for the first time. -
FDA approved
The FDA approved the first genetically engineered food -- FlavrSavr tomatoes engineered for better flavor and shelf life. -
Pat Brown
DNA microarrays are invented by Pat Brown and colleagues. -
Dolly the Sheep
Dolly the Sheep - the first adult animal clone. -
Clinton and Lewinsky
Senate begins the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal based on DNA evidence. -
Craig Ventor and Francis Collins
Craig Ventor and Francis Collins announce the sequencing of the entire human genome. -
Controversies continue over human and animal cloning, research on stem cells, and genetic modification of crops.