Anne is angry an hurt on how everybody likes Margort
"Everythin she does is right and everything i do is wrong!I'm the goat around here......You're all against me.....and you worst of all!" pg35 -
Period: to
Ann'e Frank says Good-Bye to ther Diary
Milk on the coat
" Now look what you've done!.....you clumsy little fool! pg 34 -
Mr. Kraler asks if Mr. Dussel can stay
"I know it's a terrible thing to ask of you, living as you are, but would you take him in with you?" pg 37 -
Good News
"The Allies have landed in Africa" pg 51 -
Anne has nightmares
"Oh, Pim I dreamed that they got us! The Green Police! They broke down the door and grabbed me and started to drag me out the way they did Jopie" pg49 -
The prayer for Father to be safe as he goes down stairs
"I lift up mine eyes unti the mountains, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth." -
New Year
"Another year has begun and we find ourselves still in our hiding place" pg65 -
Anne likes Peter
"I admit now that I'm gald the Van Daans had a son and not a daughter" pg85 -
Mr. Kraler in the hospital
"Mr, Kraler is inthe hospital. It seems he has ulcers. Pim says we are his ulcers" pg 77 -
The stealing of the food
"You dirty thief......stealing food.....you good-for-nothing..." pg 87 -
The Most Wonderful News
"Mr. Frank......the most wonderful news...............the invasion has begun!" pg91 -
The police found them
"So Dear Diary, that means I must leave you behind. Good-bye for a while" pg 100