Developmental Timeline

  • Learned How to Walk

    I first learned how to walk at the age of 1. this is an example of Piagets sensorimotor stage because by learning how to walk your learning how to coordinate sensation and perception with motor activity/
  • I learned how to say nana

    when i was two years old I learned how to say nana. My sisters name was shalonda and I didn't know how to say that long of a word yet. So without even realizing it i started calling her nana. This is an example of Piagets preoperational stage because i was finally learning how to use language and symbols to express my ideas.
  • I fell out of my stroller

    When i was 3 years old i was playing in my stroller. My mom was doing the laundry. I tried getting out the stroller but i fell and broke almost all my teeth. My mom was still doing laundry and she hadn't noticed that i had falling out the stroller. I knew that if she caught me i would be in trouble. So I hopped backed into the stroller and closed my mouth so she wouldnt see. but she saw anyways this is an example of kohlbergs preconventional reasoning because i was trying not to be in trouble.
  • I started public school for the first time

    I started public school for the first time in 3rd grade when i was about 8. I was homeschooled before that so it was a big difference than what i was used too. This fits into Piagets concrete operational stage because when your at school you start being able to make abstract ideas and connect it with other things in your life
  • The day I made the decision to skip a grade

    I was 11 or 12 years old when i decides to skip a grade. I was in the 6th grade, i decided to finish the 6th grade and when school started back i would be going straight to 8th. This is an example of Kohlbergs conventional reasoning because the only reason why i decided to skip is because my mom wanted me too and i thought i was the right thng to do. I was trying to win approval from my mom and my school because they though i should
  • The day I lost my grandmother

    I didn't really know my grandmother growing up so when i found out she had died it didn't effect me as much as it did my mom. I was 14 at the time. I think this is an example of Piagets preoperational stage because I was being egocentric when my grandmother died. I was only thinking of myself and i wasn't able to sympathize with my mother because i didn't know my grandmother like she did.
  • The day I first learned how to swim

    The time I learned how to swim was over the summer of 2016 and i was 16 years old. I was very scared but i was excited at the same time. I got in the water and i instantly started drowning and something told me to just kick my feet and try to save myself from that situation otherwise i knew I would die that day. I think this is an example of piagets formal operational stage because i was using abstract thinking and thinking about the future of dying if i didnt save myself.
  • The day I lost my mom

    The day i lost my mom was the most traumatizing experience of my entire life. I was only 17 and that was my first experience with losing anyone close to me. This is an example of piagets concrete operational stage because in order for me to process and bounce back from that event I had to start thinking like an adult and stop thinking about myself, and more about others and how to bounce back.
  • The day I first learned how to drive

    The first time I learned how to drive was after my mom passed away my senior year. I think this fits into kohlbergs postconventional stage 5 because when your learning how to drive your learning how to obey the driving laws because thats the norm and whats expected.
  • The day I graduated High School

    I graduated from college when i was 17. Graduating high school is an example of formal operational stage because after you finish high school your an adult now. And you need to able to strategize and plan ahead for your future for college and your life.