Mom -Physical
During my pregnancy, my mom was in severe pain that she actually thought of aborting me because it was threatning her life. After I was born, mom had an abortion after me in fear of pregnancy. -
Developed female organs and brain -Physical
Started to develop my female organs -
All parts of the brain developed (Cognitive)
Since my mother didn't use any teratogens, my brain was healthy developed -
I was born on Tuesday, December 10th, 1996 -
Weight and Height -Physical
When I was 3 months old, I weighed 13 pounds and my height was 23 inches long -
I wasn't really attached to my parents. I knew it when they were at work and I didn't cry about it. -
First words -Cognitive-
My first word was "Mama" -
Learned to walk
Period: to
Make up -Preconventional
One habit that I used to do and still do until now is use my mother's make up. However, I used to ask for her permission to avoid punishment. This is known as Moral Development. (Lawrence Kohlberg) -
Autonomy versus shame and doubt
When I was two years old, I started potty training by the help of my mom. -
Sensorimotor Stage
I had 2 schemas when I was two years old. The first one was when I was in Kindergarten, I thought than only men wear ties (because of my dad). Then one day, my female teacher wore a tie. Second schema was I thought my parents were always right, I realized later that it was wrong. -
Trust versus Mistrust
There's one thing that developed with me as I grew up, which is getting what I want. When I was young, I used to have my own playing room, tons of dolls, & much time to play. When I went to school, I didn't follow my teacher's directions. When it was time to play with the clay, I wanted to color, & vice versa. When my parents got involved they limited my playing time in the house, and took away some of my dolls. I knew that the teacher told them so I stopped trusting her. (Trust versus mistrust) -
Initiative versus guilt.
Since my sister was the only and the first child in the family, she had all the attention and love. When my mom gave birth to me, my sister was really jealous. Infact, she used to bite me, wake me up, and take my milk when my mom wasn't around. Yasmin never understood why my parents needed to give birth to another child if she was there already. She was facing -Initiative versus guilt.- -
Conventional Stage
I was taught by my parents that lying is wrong, every time I lied to my mom about finishing my homework, she wouldn't let me play. By the age of 10 I knew I shouldn't lie. -
Industry Versus Inferiority
My sister was a huge part of my educational development. I was attached to her more than my mother. She was the one who helped me study and understand my lessons. She even talked to my teachers sometimes. Until now, she's a huge part of my life and I can be dependant on her. I had an inferiority complex because I was so competitive because I wanted to please my teachers and family. -
Postconventional Stage of moral development
I had to lie to my mother once about finishing my homewor. I didn't want to upset her and at the same time I was almost done with my homework so when she asked me I said that I have finished. -
Period: to
Teenage Years
Puberty -Physical Development
It was weird but I felt like finally grew up! -
Period: to
My first kiss -Psychosocial
My first kiss was too early which had a negative impact on my attitude the following years. I wanted to try everything and know everyone. I was so curious. I was passing through the Genital stage -
Accident -Physical
I had an accident which affects me until today if it's brought up. I fell 8 meters from an elevator at my friend's party. Luckily, I lived. I fractured my knee, broke my ankle, and torn a ligament in my left knee which prevents me from playing sports. However, it makes me thankful for living and I no longer take things for granted. -
AISJ -Psychosocial
I moved to AISJ September 2010. It definitely had a a good impact on my social life but not at the beginning. People were so fake and not welcoming, except for Nadeen, who was my first best friend and the first one to betray me. She made out with the guy I loved, and lied to me. She sent emails to my parents, she stole my phone, and she hit me. -
My parents are authoritative. They have rules that are set and should be followed, however, they explain and discuss it with us until we are truly convinced of them. Punishments are rare. -
8th Grade Promotion -Cognitive
I was so excited to go to highschool but I was scared of the responsibility. -
Empiricism -Moral Development
I was involved in a gossiping account with a few friends. I knew later I was influenced by the wrong people. It was one of the most ridiculous mistakes I've ever made. However, it made me realize who are my true friends that will stand behind me no matter what. -
Junior Year
The "gossip girl" incident wasn't fully gone by the time I went back to school. People were against me, looking down at me, and eventually, the school knew, and I recieved an in-school-suspension. This was one of the most depressing time in my life. It definitely made an imprint on how people would think of me until today. Yet, I'm thankful for the people who stayed in my life. -
Identity versus role confusion
When I was 16, I knew how to act and who to hang out with. I was no longer trying to find out who are the people I should comform with or the way my behavior should be. However, I was still confused about my role and future in the later years of my life. (career, universities...) -
I'd like to make memorable moments with my schoolmates, and I would want to have a drink for the first time. -
Senior Year
Senior Year is over. Looking back at it, it was wonderful and full of cherishful moments to remember. Events, socials, tournaments, bbqs, and trips with the best people who I truly hope we stay in touch. I graduated from high school, and I got accepted to the university that I wanted, and life is now ahead of me with all the opportunities to grab!! I CAN'T WAIT -
Period: to
Graduation & Engagement
I graduated from Cairo University, Dentistry. I feel that I have accomplished a big part of my life that I'm proud of. On that day, Seif proposed to me in front of my whole family. It was unexpected and wonderful and a moment I've been waiting for since August 27th, 2012. 8 years back. -
Get Married and start a family -Psychosocial
I'm planning on getting married and starting a family of 3 kids and live in Egypt. -
Stay in touch with highschool friends -Psychosocial
I'd love to stay friends with the people I knew in highschool -
Intimacy versus isolation
During this age, I knew that I liked to be isolated from people when I'm working. However, I always loved since I was a child to know many people and be with different groups which continued until I was 35. -
15th anniversary with my husband -cognitive
Travel with my husband on our 15th anniversary since we were dating -
Close Relationship with my children -Moral Development
I will show them old diaries, old pictures with their father, old conversations, and teach them what I did wrong in order for them to understand and morally develop them. -
Stability -Psychosocial
I'm married, I have two kids and I'm pregnant. My parents got me a clinic as a graduation gift. So many things happened during the last ten years. I'm becoming more (crystallized intelligent) as I age. I feel useful and contributing to the society. (Generativity) -
Period: to
Late Adulthood
Menopause- Physical
Stopped getting my period. Depression that I'm growing old. -
Closer to God -Cognitive
Religious and more faith -
Retirement -Psychosocial
I will quit at the age of 55 and focus on my family's wellbeing and my happiness. -
Generativity versus despair
At this age, I started to think about my future and about the changes I need to make. I got closer to my kids, quit my job, and traveled with my husband. I realized I was too serious about my career that I have ignored a lot of oppurtinities to enjoy life. -
Keep exercising -Physical
I'd like to stay fit and maintain a healthy life. -
Spend time with grandchildren -Psychsocial
Spend more time with my grandchildren -
Parents Death -Psychosocial-
Parent's death will probably be the hardest time for me, I can't even imagine how it would feel. -
Integrity versus despair
By the age of 55, I looked back at my life and realized that I have accomplished a lot of useful things and have contributed to the society. I made mistakes and helped people to learn from them, especially my kids. -
Period: to
I wish I die while I'm praying, and on my birthday.