When i became an embyro
After 4 days of me being a zygote i became an embryo. -
Period: to
Preconventional Stage
April 12, 1996 i was a fetus -
February 12 - 1996 i was a zygote . -
On October 12, 1996 i was born and became a baby. -
Rooting Reflex
i turned to my moms side when she touched me on the cheek. This was rooting reflex. -
Grasping Reflex
My mother placed a doll in my hand and i grasped it which is the grasping reflex stage. -
Oral Stage
i grabbed my pacifier and i sucked on it. -
Trust versus mistrust.
My parents here are giving me care and providing me with my needs and this helped me in the trust versus mistrust stage. -
Anal Stage
My mom started training me to go to the toilet. This is the anal stage -
Sensory Motor Stage
i started gaining control of my body. -
Period: to
Industry Versus Inferiority
I started school and i was taking good grades as a child -
i got caught playing with the furniture and i wanted to prevent punishment so i lied. -
Industry versus inferiority.
Going into industry versus inferiority. -
i was taking bad grades versus my peers. -
Graduated from elementry
I graduated from emelemtary -
Period: to
Concrete Operations
Children learn to think more logically about complex relationships between different characteristics of objects -
i was starting to have friends and starting to find out which group i was confortablw with. -
Period: to
Identity versus role confusion
The time i started to discover what social identity i was most confortable with. -
Period: to
Conventional Stage
Role confusion
i started to have conflicts with different kinds of groups -
Period: to
Genital Stage
Period: to
Social Cognitive Stage
My friends were always smoking and i was the only one that wasn't until i started smoking because they influenced me. -
Period: to
Postconventional Stage
Intimacy versus isolation
i started to date this girl in school and i started to have trouble between school, home, and her -
In lunch in school i found out that people are talking about me and i got really upset and tried to tell people that it wasn't true -
Authoritative Parenting
I'm an authoritative parents now. -
Conventional Action
I got a good grade in school and couldn't wait to get home to show my parents so they can be proud of me. -
I graduated from high school and went off to university. -
Graduation from university
i finally got my busniness bachelors degree aiming for the best -
Period: to
Generativity versus stagnation
First day of work
i started working at an event organizing company. -
i got married to the love of my life. -
I got my promotion as general manager. -
First Boy
First Girl
i had my first angel. -
My Company
i finally opened the company of my dreams. -
Period: to
Integrity versus despair
Decision weather we are satisfied with our accomplishments in our life. -