0-2 weeks -
Period: to
Psychological lifeline (Authoritative Parenting Style)
Authoritative Parenting Style. My parents have set rules ,yet, they have valid expanations with each of those rule that correlated with my culture. -
Embryonic Stage
2 week - 2nd month -
My gender is known,And further developments take place -
Birth (Bioscoial)
I am born at 4:16 PM and weighed 1.8kg. This is where my developmental stages of Piaget, SIgmunds Frued's Stages ( oral 0-12 months, Anal 1-3 years, Phallic 3-5 years, latency 5- puberty, Genital puberty- adulthood), Lawrence Kohlberg, Eric Erickson ( Trust vs Mistrust) developmental stages occur. -
Rooting Reflex/Sucking reflex
This is whenever something touched the cheek, i would turn my head towards and try to put that object in my mouth and tried to suck on it. Which also helped me eat. However, this dissapeared when I was 4 months old. -
Period: to
Trust va Mistrust/ Secure attachments
When I started to cry I would judge how my parents would react. This theory of Trust vs Mistrust will be carried throughout the rest of the life Furthermore this would build the secure attachtment between me and my parents. Although, this shows that it last from birth to 1yr we see this occur thoughout the life time. -
Period: to
Piaget Sensory/ Motor Stage
Period: to
Kohlberg's - Preconventional Stage
Period: to
Kohlberg- Preconventional Stage
Moro Reflexes
when I was startled by someone or something i would fling my limbs out and the quickly back close to me and become as small as possible. -
Grasping Relflex
started at three months and lasted till four months of age. when ever my brothers put their finger in my hand I grabed it and held on to it as hard and tight as possible. -
Start to kick (Cognitive)
Developing this a litlle later than my sisters, I started to enjoy kicking anyone who came close to me. -
Recognition and fomation of attachments(Psycosocial)
I started to recognitize people I see everday and form attachment with them. In addition, with my sister. Furthermore, I was an infant with secure attachments (Mary Ainsworth) -
Babinski reflex
Started at the age of about 6 months and lasted till 24 months. which at this point when ever anyone storked the sole of my foot (from heel to toe) my toes used to spread wide apart and then back in again. -
Learned to crawl (Biosocial)
Started to balance my body by using my hands and knees.In addtion, just like my sisters realized that crawling like that made my hands and knees dusty so we decided to be unique and learnt a new way of crawling using my hand and feet. -
My First word (Cognitive)
I spoke my first word "dada." -
Display signs of egocentrism
My parents gave each of us a different size doll of the same kind, however, when we saw each others toys and liked that better we would grab it and scream and cry feeling helpless. -
Period: to
Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt
This start when I began potty training which is aroun the age of 2-3. This will last for the rest of my life. Although, we see the timespan of this last from 1-3yrs we also see this develop throughout the rest of our life time. -
Start to Walk (Bosocial)
At around the age of 1 I start walking. Which defines Ericksons second stage of shame and doubt. occurs during the period of 1-3 years of age. -
Sigmund Freuds Anal Stage begins and stage one ends
1.5-3 years of age. -
Period: to
Sigmund Freuds -Anal Stage
Piaget first stage end and the second stage begins
Preoperational 2-7 years. -
Period: to
Piaget's -Preoperational
Body control
Through training I start taking more control over my body. -
Second stage of Frueds' and Eriksons' end
Third stage begins which is the Phallic stage 3-6 years of age (Freud) and initiative vs guilt stage begins (Eriksons). -
Period: to
Initiative Vs Guilt
During this stage I was very courious of understanding the world and so I used to ask a billion question to my parent. Yet, this timeline depicts that this lasts from age 3-6yrs this couriosity will last for the rest of our lifes. -
Period: to
Sigmund Freud's - Phallic stage
Moved to Toronto, Canada (Pshycosocial)
We moved to Canada due to my brother medical condition realizing that their is a better medical treatment their. Furthermore, it was also because its country that is made for people who are disable. -
First day of school (Cognitive)
It was the first day of school which I was quite excited about. However, when we arrived and mom was droping my sisters and me to school and leaveing without us it made me and my sisters very scared and we ran off in different directions. -
Learning to read (Cognitive)
Able to read but still learning. Could only read a few lines. -
Meeting with my best school friend by my house (Psychosocial)
Met with friend and played with them in front of my house. -
Third stage of Freud and Erickson's ends
Begining of fourth stage Latency stage 6 to puberty (Freud) Fourth stage industry versus inferiority 6 to early adolescents (Erikson) -
Period: to
Industry Vs Inferiority
This begins when I was in preschool and Kindergarden, however, it actually starts when i am in 1st grade. Furthermore, when I notice the person next to me is doing better so at that point I belive that, that person is better which is that i develop an Inferiority complex. -
Period: to
Sigmund Freud's -Latency Stage
Learned to ride a bike (2 wheels) (Biosocial)
My eldest brother taught me how to ride my bike by making me start paddling and then just made me believe that is holding on to my bike when he's not. Which made me bruise myself many times. -
Begininf of Piaget's third stage
Concrete operations 7-12 years -
Period: to
Piaget's-Formal operations
Achieving an award
I got my first award for helping others and doing well in studies. -
Moved back to Saudi Arabia (Paychosocial)
Moved back and lived as a happy family.Was very glad to see my dad stay with us for good. -
Started 4th grade in Riyadh (Cognitive)
Very distressful year. Faced many problems at school with students. But faced it and passed. -
Kohlbergs second stage begins
conventional 10-adolesence -
Period: to
Kohlbergs-Conventional Stage
Started middle school in (AIS-R)
Sad and Happy years had a couple problems. but was satisfied with life. -
Moving to a new school in Riyadh (Psychosocial)
Was happy to move from KSIS to AISR -
Change of Life (Cognitive)
After coming to AIS-R I felt valued for my art work. Later, the thing I faced their made me become a better person. -
Fourth stage of Freud and Piaget Erickson (ends)
Final stage of Freuds stages, the gential stage, Eriksons stages identity vs role of confusion formal operational stage 12 - adulthood (piagets) -
Period: to
Identity Vs Role Confusion
At this point in time I was confused about my role in society so i tried to create and identity for myself. this last from ages 12-20yrs -
Period: to
Sigmund Freud's- Genital Stage
Traveled to Jeddah (Psychosocial)
enjoyed and loved the city more than RIyadh -
Started a new school (AISJ) (Psychosocial)
Best experience of my life. Loved every moment of it. -
Graduation (Cognitive)
Got my highs school diploma and ready to pursue my dreams in medicine. -
Moved back to Riyadh (Psychosocial)
Moved back to Riyadh to study medcine -
Kohlberg, Erickson
intamacy versus isolation 20- early 40's (Eriksons) postconventional (adolesence - adulthood) (kohlberg) -
Kohlberg's- Post Conventional Stage
postconventional (adolesence - adulthood) (kohlberg) -
Period: to
Kohlbergs-Post Conventional Stage
Period: to
Intimacy Vs Isolation
This is the point I was trying to blance the ties between work and relationship.I had to be careful not to mess any thing up. -
Get Ready for Marriage (cognitive)
Learning the rights and the wrong of marriage -
Give my USMLE exam (Cognition)
Passed with amazing grades ,however, still stressed out for STEP 2 -
Finished medicine and became a doctor (Cognitive)
Have a family and buy house of my dreams
Buy a big house with my dream cars and give the best education for the further generation. -
I was going out with my sisters. There was a gunfire and we got shot and died -
Period: to
Generativity Vs Stagnation
At this point if I was alive then I would questioning my self if this is the life I want and is this the life I want my children to have. -
Period: to
Ingerity Vs Despair
If I would have been alive at around this time I would wondering whether my life has been meaningful.