Period: to
Prental Development and Birth
Prenatal Growth
Fetus: From the ninth week till birth the child is now called a fetus. After three months of development my parents found out I was a girl and choose the name Joelle. -
Prenatal Growth
During this time my heart beat is growing super strong. Fingernails, toe nails, buds for hair and teeth begin to emerge. My brain has also increased by six times in size amd develops many new nerons. My cental nervous system has also become responsive to my mommys actions. My organs are also beginning to work in harmony and I become more active which starts taking away from my mommys sleep. -
Prenatal Growth
During this point my lungs begin to expand and contact. My relationship between my mother has become super strong. I can now react to auditiory communication and I can start to kick to loud noises. I also gain at least 4 1/2 pounds during the last three months which brings me to at least 7 1/2 pounds. -
Birth Date
Today is the day where I'm finally brought into the world!
I was born in a hospital. During the first minutes of life I was breathing and crying on my own. My color is changed into a pink and my eyes are opened super wide to see the new world. -
Period: to
The First Two Years
Biosocial Development
During the first two years my brain and body have gone through so many changes. My weight for example has almost doubled and I'm up to a staggering 28 pounds roughly. My sleep patterns have changed dramatically as well. When I was first born I was sleeping up to 16 hours a day. By the age two my sleep stays around twelve hours a day. My five sense have really increased and I know what I like and what I dont like. My motor skills have changed dramatically as well. -
Cognitive Development
I have gone through the six stages of sensorimotor development as well. During this point I was in a day care which sky rocked my development. I now know object permanence and I know where things are when you try to hide them from me. At this age I can mock your actions such as imate you taking on the phone. Depth perception has also been learned. I now have a vocabulary and sarting to be able to put together sentences and communicate my basic needs. Potty training also is staring to take place. -
Psychosocial Development
Today my brother was born! I am almost two. My parents have been preparing me for this day for a long time now. Now that I am a toddler my parents are aware of my emotions because I display them so vividly. I now know that I am a seporate peroson from my parents and exprerience things on a whole other level. In order to prepare me I was exposed to many different situations with babies and my parents prepared me to be proud big sister. -
Period: to
The Play Years
Biosocial Development
At the age this age I dislocated my elbow for the first of three times. During my bone development my bones did not grow as strong as they needed. I developed what we now know as a nurse maids elbow. Which means it easily pops out of place with very little force. This first instance was caused by me tripping and my dad instinctively pulling my arm so I wouldn't fall all the way. -
Cognitive Development
I'm off to preschool! During this age my vocabulary was very strong. I'm using many sentences to communicate what I need and to explore my world. Through circle time and art time I am learning how to write count and even spell my name. During this time I am also learning that I don't always need my parents and I can survive with help from other adults. -
Psychosocial Development
My youngest brother is born! I am now a big sister of tow younger brothers. By now I have mastered having younger siblings and I am more used to not being the center of attention. In September I also begin Kindergarten! It's the first time I am away from my parents all day in a school environment. My friendships with my nieghborhood friends hav gone to a higher level as well. -
Period: to
Middle Childhood
Cognitive Development
Held back a year! My teachers and parents were afaid I wasn't developing as fast a my peers. My language and communication sklls were not as strong. With many meetings with administration my family made the decsion to hold m back, which was the best decsion they could have ever made for me. -
Psychosocial Development
This day really changed the dynamics of my family. This is the day my parents divorced was finalized. This event was very stressful for not only my parents for me as well. I would always blame the divorce on me. The structure of our family was always changing. With my mother always being off at work we had many care givers and my father also being in and out of rehab for the next two years. -
Biosocial Development
TIme for Braces! During this time oral care is extremely important. I have very healthy teeth but they have never been the straightest. Keeping up with brushings helped me stay away from cavities. To fix my teeth from being crocked I first had an expander which then led to braces. -
Period: to
Biosocial Development
During adolescence I struggled very hard with my body image. High school was the worst overall. Most of the girls that went to my school were tiny and most of the guys liked them that way. I would go days without eating and I started excersing excessily. During my jounior year of high school that all changed when I started dating my first real boyfriend. He really helped me realize how much I loved food, as funny as that sounds. During high school I also lost my virginity to my high school love. -
Psychosocial Development
Relationships during this time were really tested; especially with my parents. During the end of middle school and the begining of high school I bounced back and forth from my mother and fathers house because I wasnt getting along with one or the other. Around the time I was 16 that dramtically changed. I started getting along with my mother more then ever. Since then me and my mother have become best friends. -
Cognitive Development
Sweet 16!! I finally got my license and got my first car! GRADUATION DAY!!! After all of the years of school it finally comes to a pause. This year I completed my senior year of high school with a 3.5. With this sucessful grade point average I graduated with honors. -
Period: to
Emerging Adulthood
Biosocial Development
This year I began a real health kick, but on the healthy side. With advice fom my doctor I joined wait watchers and began going back to the gym. I also gained a very big interest in Zumba! As for work I am working as a full time nanny in order to make completing school a whole lot easier. -
Cognitive Development
College is here! This year was my first year in college. Picking a school was a big challenge for me. I was debating on if the right decsion was to go away for college or to stay home. Schoolcraft eneded up being the right decsion for me. With going to college time management has become very important. In between working going to class and mangaging online classes. -
Psychosocial Develoment
Cohabitation is a big part of todays word. Personally I have taken the step and started looking for a cheap house for me and my boyfriend to move into. My father of course will be helping with the cost. -
Period: to
Psychosocial Development
By the age of thirty it is my ultimate goal to be married to the love of my life and to have children. Having children is probably the most important goal in my life. I feel that I was born to fill the role as a mother. Another goal would have to not get divorced and follow in my parents footsteps. -
Biosocial Development
During these years I feel keeping up with my health is the most important thing I can do. I really want to keep up with my running and Zumba. I know I really need to keep up with my checkups because around this age i'm at the highest risk for breast cancer. Especailly because this is when both grandmothers developed the cancer. -
Cognitive Development
By the age of thirty want to be finished with school and settled in a good nursing carrer. The reason I say this age is because I know I need to go through extra schooling because I want to specialize in pediatric nursing. -
Period: to
Late Adulthood
Biosocial Development
At this age keeping up with check ups are a must! The risk for high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease are on a rise especially in my family. I hope at this age I am still mobil and able to do things on my own. When I do get to the age where I cant do things on my own I hope my childeren are there to help me. -
Cognitive Development
Dementia and Alzhemier has effected almost everyone in my family. The probability of me getting it is very high. Ultimately it will what cause my death if I do develope the diseases. Forgetting things are the first sign. Confusiion is the next sign. Eventually full time care is needed in order for me to live. In the end people just become unresponsive. -
Psychosocial Development
While I can in my late adulthood I would love to volunteer in the commuity if thats at all possible. I want to keep my mind up and running of the things around me. I hope to be a involoved grandparent as well. I want to be around for my grandchildren because I never had grandparents around for me when I was growing up. -
Period: to
Death and Dying
Based on familly history and the my life style choices I believe I eill live to the age of 82 at least. My great grandparents died recently this year at the ages of 96 and 98, and lived healthy lives so I believe I will live a long happy life as well.