Developmental Milestones

  • Birth

    This was the day my beautiful face came into the world.
  • Period: to

    Sensorimotor Stage

    The child is exploring environment with the senses. Puts everything in mouth to explore, etc. Babies here do not have object permanence until about 8 months of age. Babies can recognize numbers at this stage.
  • Period: to

    Trust vs. Mistrust

    Learning whether to trust or not to based on whether or not their needs for things like food and comfort are met.
  • Period: to

    Pre-Conventional Morals

    Morals are based on punishments and rewards
  • Period: to

    Secure Attachment

    A child is upset when the parent leaves, but is reassured once they return.
  • Period: to

    Slow-To-Warm-Up Infants (Temperament)

    Child is intitially withdrawn but later becomes comfortable with newcomers
  • Period: to

    Secure Attachment

    Secure Attachment- upset by leaving parent but relieved when parent returns.
    Insecure Attachment- anxious-ambivalent, anxious-avoidant
    Anxious Ambivalent- upset whne parents leave and angry with parent upon return
    Anxious Avoidant- not concerned when parents leave, not concerned when parents return.
  • Period: to

    Easy Temperament

    Easy infants- adaptable, positive mood, predictable behavior and regular sleep patterns.
    Difficult Infants- Intense reactions, unpredictable behavior and sleep schedule.
    Slow-To-Warm-Up infants- intitially withdrawn but later warm up to newcomers.
    Average Infants- do not fit into any categories.
  • Raise head to 45 degrees

    Physical Development
  • Roll Over

    Physical Development
  • Sit with support

    Physical Development
  • Sit without support

    Physical development
  • Pull Self to Standing Position

    Physical Development
  • Walk holding on to furniture

    Physical Development
  • Creep

    Physical Development
  • Stand alone

    Physical Development
  • Walk

    Physical Development
  • Period: to

    Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

    Toddlers realize they can direct their own behavior.
  • Period: to

    Preoperational Stage (2-7)

    Children cannot understand conservation. They are egocentric, cannot see world from a viewpoint other than their own. Children can develop theory of mind at this point.
  • Period: to

    Initiative vs. Guilt

    Children are developing imagination, and sharing. They have to learn to control their behavior and take responsibility.
  • Period: to

    Industry vs. Inferiority

    Children try to learn new skills, obtain new knowledge
  • Period: to

    Conventional Morals

    Morals focused on caring for others as well as Laws and Rules.
  • Period: to

    Concrete Operational Stage

    Children can think with concrete knowledge and understand conservation. Cannot think abstractly, in this stage children will often use their fingers or other physical objects to count and do math.
  • Period: to


    Ages 10-14 in girls, 12-16 in boys.
    Puberty is when sexual development occurs. Development of sexual organs and the growth of body hair. Deepening of voices in boys.
  • Average Menarche

    Aerage age when girls get their first menarche
  • Period: to

    Formal Operational Stage

    Begins aroundage 12. Thinking changes from being confined to the concrete to include abstract thinking. Children can use variables in their thiking. Can figure if-then statements, these are logical or systematic reasoning abilities.
  • Period: to

    Identity vs. Role Confusion

    Trying to learn who they are as a person.
  • Period: to


    Universal Ethical principles/personal moral codes may transcend laws and rules.
  • Averge first Spermarche

    Average age of first spermarche in boys
  • Period: to

    Cognitive Changes in Adulthoom

    Crystallized intelligence- increases with age, things like writing and language skills.
    Fluid Intelligence- Problem solving, ability to think and reason quickly. Decreases in adulthood.
    Ability to make connections increases in adulthood.
    Dementia and Alzeihmers are diseases resulting from a degeneration of brain tissue. Alzeihmers is related to a deficiency in acetylcolene, and is a loss of short term memory and leads to death.
  • Period: to

    Young Adult

    Trying to form a close, committed relationship
  • Average age of first child

  • Average Age women marry

  • Average age men marry

  • Period: to

    Physical Changes in Middle Adulthood

    Physical Changes- loss of skin elasticity, weight gain, thinning and greying of hair, loss of strength and flexibility.
  • Midlife Transition

    Discontentment or boredom with life, people, and activiities that have provided fulfillment. "Midlife Crisis"
    Often marked by some sort of reckless behavior: buying a sports car, thrillseeking, motorcycles
  • Period: to

    Middle Adulthood

    The challenge is to be creative, productive, and give back to the next generation.
  • Menopause (women)

    Marks the end of a woman's menstrual cycle, she can no longer have children.
  • Period: to

    Late Adulthood

    This person is trying to reach wisdom, tranquility, wholeness, and acceptance.
    Late 60s and up
  • Period: to

    Physical Changes in Late Adulthood

    Physical Changes- wrinkling of skin, development of brown age spots, deteriorating eyesight and hearing, loss of bone mass, loss of cognitive functioning.