Developmental Milestones

  • 6

    6 Years Old

    6 Years Old
    Physical-Start to lose baby teeth.
    Emotional-Start to understand feelings of others.
    Intellectual-Understand concept of numbers.
    Cognitive-Learning to express themselves through words.
  • 7

    7 Years Old

    7 Years Old
    Physical-Well-developed coordination.
    Emotional-Able to take turns and play cooperatively. Intellectual-Start to read by themselves. Cognitive-Mastered speech sounds and talk fluently.
  • 8

    8 Years Old

    8 Years Old
    Physical-Increased strength in large muscles of arms and legs.
    Emotional-Fairly independent and outgoing.
    Intellectual-Space and time concepts are better developed.
    Cognitive-Can follow and remember fairly complicated instructions.
  • 9

    9 Years Old

    9 Years Old
    Physical-Growth starts to diverge between boys and girls as stirrings of puberty start.
    Emotional-More emotionally mature and becoming better able to handle frustrations and deal with conflict.
    Intellectual-Able to complete more complicated school projects.
    Cognitive-Speech almost at an adult level.
  • 10

    10 Years Old

    10 Years Old
    Physical-Good control of both large and small muscles.
    Emotional-Start to form stronger bonds with others.
    Intellectual-Can follow complex sentences in written material and read longer books with chapters in stages.
    Cognitive-Becoming able to use reasoning and logic skills.
  • 11

    11 Years Old

    11 Years Old
    Physical-Growth spurts and changes of approaching puberty.
    Emotional-Take increasing responsibility for themselves.
    Intellectual-Develop better problem-solving skills.
    Cognitive-Increased capacity for learning and applying the skills they develop.
  • 12

    12 Years Old

    12 Years Old
    Physical-Enter puberty.
    Emotional-Show signs of developing patience and a greater ability to tolerate frustration.
    Intellectual-Develop more advanced reasoning skills.
    Cognitive-Can make more decisions for themselves.