Temperament Styles
Temperament is clear as early as the first few weeks, and the different types are as follows:
Easy/Flexible: calm and happy, regular in sleeping and eating, adaptable and not easily upset.
Difficult/active: fussy, irregular in feeding and sleeping habits, fearful of new situations
Slow to warm up: inactive and fussy, they withdraw or react negatively to new situations. They like routines. -
Period: to
Sensorimotor Developmental Stage (Birth to age 2)
Piaget's Developmental Stages Babies take in their surroundings, do not yet have object permanence (think that things out of sight are nonexistent), aware of basic logic and basic numbers. -
Period: to
Trust vs. Mistrust (Infancy to 1 year)
Erickson Stage: infancy, if infants' basic needs are met, they trust their caregivers. -
Period: to
Pre-Conventional Morality (Kohlberg 1)
Between birth and age nine, on average, could be later, children don't have their own sense of morality, they must rely on rewards and punishments. Reasoning is based on that. -
Period: to
Trust vs. Mistrust (Erikson 1)
First psychosocial crisis in which the infant's ability to trust, and the virtue of hope, are reliant on the amount of care and stability offered by their primary caregiver. A failure of this would make a child insecure about new experiences or their abilities to control events. -
Raise head to 45 degrees (2 months)
Physical and Motor Development -
Roll Over (2.8 months)
Physical and Motor Development -
Sit with Support (4 months)
Physical and Motor Development -
Sit Without Support (5.5 months)
Physical and Motor Development -
Pull Self to Standing Position (7.6 months)
Walk Holding on to Furniture (9.2 months)
Physical and Motor Development -
Creeping (10 months)
Physical and Motor Development -
Stand Alone (11.5 months)
Physical and Motor Development -
Attachment Between Child and Caregiver Fully Developed
Mary Ainsworth discovered the different types of attachment between children and parents. They are fully developed/clear at 12 months old.
Secure attachment: the child is distressed when their mother or caregiver leaves, but returns to happy when she comes back.
Ambivalent: intensely distressed when the mother leaves, still upset when the mother returns, may push her away.
Avoidant: child is not distressed by mother's absense and shows little interest in her return. -
Period: to
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt (Erikson 2)
Children begin to assert independence, discovering their skills. Parents must allow their children to explore or their children will not be able to care for themselves. The virtue is will. -
Period: to
Preoperational Stage (Age 2 to 6 or 7)
Children are too young to perform mental operations, they lack an understanding of conservation, they are egocentric (always relating things back to themselves and are unable to put themselves into others' point of view), and they are being to understand theory of mind, or the ability to read someone's intentions. -
Period: to
Initiative vs. Guilt (Erikson 2)
Children begin to assert themselves more frequently. Play is important in this stage, such as role-playing or imagination based games. If this is not allowed, children will develop a sense of guilt and feel like a nuisance to others and lack self-initiative. Virtue of purpose -
Period: to
Industry vs. Inferiority (Erikson 4)
Chilren are learning to read, write and do math on their own. A child's peer group becomes more important to their self-esteem. If they are encouraged, they feel industrious and confident in their ability. The virtue is competence. -
Period: to
Concrete Operational Stage (Age 6 or 7 to about 12)
Children can think with concrete, physical objects, and understand conservation but they cannot think abstractly. -
Period: to
Conventional Morality (Kohlberg 2)
(adolescents and adults) beginning to internalize the moral standards of valued adult role models. Authority is not questioned and reasoned based on social norms. -
Beginning of Puberty for Girls
Changes include the growth of breasts, pubic hair, height increase, menarche, underarm hair growth and acne -
Period: to
Formal Occupational Stage (Age 12 to adulthood)
Individuals can understand abstract concepts, like using symbols or variables in their thinking. Logic skills develop. Average life expectancy is 73.5 for women, 68 for men. -
Period: to
Identity vs. Role Confusion (Erikson 5)
Children transition to adulthood, become independent and look for careers. They want to fit in. They need to be encouraged to pursue what interests them. Virtue is fidelity. -
Puberty Starts for Boys (avg. 14)
Growth of sexual organs, pubic hair, body growth, change in voice, facial and underarm hair growth, and acne. -
Period: to
Post-Conventional Morality (Kohlberg 3)
Individual judgement is based on a code of moral conduct internalized and chosed by the individual. This is as far as the moral reasoning levels go. Most people take their moral views from those around them and only a minority think through their own ethical principles. -
Period: to
Intimacy vs. Isolation (Erikson 6)
This is the time that adults become more intimate and explore longer relationships and commitments with someone apart from family members. Failure in this stage leads to commitment and intimacy issues, as well as depression. Virtue is love -
Adult Physical Development- Peak
Peak of physical strength and agility. Then a gradual decline begins. -
Social Changes:
The average age of marriage in the US is 27 for females and 29 for males. -
Have a Baby
The average age in the US is to have a first child is 29. -
Cognitive Development in Adulthood
Cognition peaks at 35.
Crystallized intelligence (acquired knowledge) increases with age and fluid (processing skills) decreases with age. -
Physical Decline Accelerates
The decline accelerates, women older than 35 are less likely to become pregnant. -
Midlife Tranistion
The natural stage that includes discontenment or boredom with the lifestyle the adult is living even if they have been happy with it for years. Presents similar to depression. Average age is 40 -
Period: to
Sensory Changes During Adulthood
Hearing: the structures in the ear change so sounds are harder to pick up and discern, balance also weakens.
Vision: structure changes, by the time an adult becomes 60, pupils may decrease to 1/3 of their size forty years prior. The lens yellows and clouds. The muscles become unable to fully rotate the eye.
Taste and Smell: the number of taste buds decrease. Each shrinks. Mouth produces less saliva after 60/ Sense of smell lessens after 70. -
Period: to
Generativity vs. Stagnation (Erikson 7)
Careers are established, long term relationships are formed, and families are started and adults start to develop a sense of being a part of a bigger picture. Give back to society through raising children and giving to future generations. Failing this can result in becoming stagnant. Virtue is care -
Menopause (Avg. Age is 50)
Women stop menstruating and are unable to have children. -
More Physical Change
Our bodies become more prone to weather extremes, falls, and illnesses. The skin becomes thinner and stretches out, forming wrinkles. Eye sight decreases. Immune system weakens. -
Period: to
Ego Integrity vs. Despair (Erikson 8)
As senior citizens, productivity slows down, and people evaluate their success in life. If an adult sees their life as unproductive, feel guilt about their past or feel like they were a failure, they can become depressed and hopeless. Virtue is wisdom -
The average life expectency for women is 81, and 76 for men.