Development Timeline

  • Birth

    Motor Skills
    Uncontrolled, jerky Movements
    Wobbly Head Communication Skills
    Cry to express needs Emotional/Social Skills
    Empathy & Understanding
    Routine Immunizations
    Hepatitis B: 1st dose Provider Assessments
    Weight: Regain or exceed birth weight by 2 weeks old
    Head Circumference: Half the total body length
    Heart & lung sounds
    Palpate Fontanels for depression or bulging
    Babinski Reflex
    Moro Reflex
    Tonic Neck Reflex
    Rooting & Sucking
    Grasp Reflex
    Stepping Reflex
  • 1-3 Months

    Motor Skills:
    Holds head up while on tummy
    Moves both Arms & Legs
    Opens hands briefly & grasp an object for a few moments Communication Skills:
    Babbles & Coos Emotional/Social Skills:
    Looks at faces
    Calms down when spoken to/picked up
    Smiles when you talk to them Immunizations:
    Hepatitis B: 2nd dose
    H. Influeznae B Provider Assessments:
    Head Circumference
    Weight: weekly weight gain of 8oz.
    Asymmetric Tonic Neck Reflex
    Sleep: 15-16 hours/day
  • 4-6 Months

    Motor Skills
    Control of head & purposeful movement of arms & legs
    Rolling Over
    Push themselves up Communication Skills
    Babbling with chains of consonants Emotional/Social Skills
    Enjoys cuddling
    Stranger danger
    Recognizes familiar persons Immunizations
    Hepatitis B: 2nd dose
    Rotavirus: 2nd dose
    DTAP: 2nd dose
    H. Influenzae B: 2nd dose
    Pneumococcal: 2nd dose
    Poliovirus: 2nd dose
    Flu Vaccine: 6 months Provider Assessments
    Weight: birth weight doubles
    Head Circumference
    Babinski Reflex
  • 7-9 Months

    Motor Skills
    Sits unassisted
    Control of trunk & hands Communication Skills
    Laughing & squealing
    "Ba-ba-ba" with occasional Mama or Dada Emotional/Social Skills
    Stranger danger
    Fussy to others, if not parents Immunizations
    Hepatitis B: 3rd dose
    Poliovirus: 3rd dose
    Flu Vaccine: 2nd dose (optional) Provider Assessment
    Weight: gaining 3-4 oz./week
    Head Circumference
    Babinski Reflex
    Screen for early indications of developmental delays
  • 10-12 Months

    Motor Skills
    Pull to stand
    Cruise while holding furniture
    Take 2-3 steps unassisted/walking Communication Skills
    Makes sounds with caregiver
    Attentive to their name
    Combines sounds together Emotional/Social Skills
    Shows variety of emotions
    Seeks comfort
    Helps with getting dressed Immunizations
    H. Influenzae: 3rd or 4th dose
    Pneumococcal: 4th dose
    MMR: 1st dose
    Varicella: 1st dose
    Hepatitis A: 2 dose series Provider Assessment
    Head Circumference
    Assess for developmental delays
  • 18 Months

    Motor Skills
    Makes lines on paper with crayons
    Walking 10-20 min.
    Creeps up stairs Communication Skills
    Repeats some words
    At least 12 words Emotional/Social Skills
    Feeds themself
    Points to show something
    Looks at pages in a book Immunizations
    DTAP: 4th dose
    Flu Vaccine: annually Provider Assessments
    Weight: 2-3kg/year
    Height: 12cm/yearly
    Head Circumference: 3cm/yearly
    CBC, CMP, & Lead testing
    Hearing test
    Assess for Developmental Delays that could be Autism
  • 2 Years

    Motor Skills
    Stacks tower of 6 blocks
    Runs & kicks a ball
    Throw ball overhand Communication Skills
    More than 200 words
    2-word sentences
    More understandable language Emotional/Social Skills
    Temper tantrums
    Looks at face for emotion
    Notices when others upset Immunizations
    Annual Flu vaccine Provider Assessments
    Weight: 2-3kg/yearly, calculate BMI
    Length: 12cm/yearly, height 1/2 of adult height
    Head Circumference: 3cm/yearly
    Heart & lung sounds
    Assess for any developmental delays
  • 3 Years

    Motor Skills
    Strings items together, beads
    Dresses themselves
    Uses a Fork Communication Skills
    Talks with another in conversation
    Says first name when asked
    Says what actions are happening in a picture Emotional/Social Skills
    Notices & plays with other children
    Calms down within 10 minutes Immunizations
    Annual Flu vaccine Provider Assessments
    Weight: gains 2kg/year, calculate BMI
    Length: 3-7cm/year
    Head Circumference: 1cm/yearly
    VS including a Blood pressure check
    Developmental monitoring
  • 4 Years

    Motor Skills
    Stands on 1 leg
    Draw a circle & a cross
    Self-sufficient in many everyday routines Communication Skills
    Sentences of 4 or more words
    Answers simple questions
    Recaps 1 event from the day Emotional/Social Skills
    Likes to be a "helper"
    Avoids danger
    Engages in "pretend" play Immunizations
    DTAP: 5th dose
    Poliovirus: 4th dose
    MMR: 2nd dose
    Varicella: 2nd dose
    Annual Flu vaccine Provider Assessments
    Weight: 2kg/year, BMI
    Length: 3-7cm/year
    Head Circumference: 1cm/year
    CBC, CMP, & UA
  • 5 Years

    Motor Skills
    Hops on 1 foot
    Buttons some buttons
    Copies a square & triangle Communication Skills
    Uses or recognizes simple rhymes
    Answers simple questions about a story
    Tells a story with 2 events, real or pretend Emotional/Social Skills
    Sings, dances or acts for others
    Does simple chores at home
    Follows rules or takes turns Immunizations
    DTAP: 5th dose
    Poliovirus: 4th dose
    MMR: 2nd dose
    Varicella: 2nd dose
    Annual Flu vaccine Provider Assessments
    Weight: 2kg/year, BMI
    CBC, CMP & UA
  • References

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . (2022). Important Milestones: Your Child. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved September 9, 2022, from The Whole Child . (2022). Norma Development Stages Ages 0-5. Retrieved September 9, 2022, from
  • References

    Best Start . (2022). On Track: Child Development 0-14 Months . Retrieved September 9, 2022, from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . (2022a). Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule. Retrieved September 9, 2022, from