1st month social
When crying they see the caregiver or hear their voice and quiets down. -
1st month emotional
Babies start to find interests in what the mother is doing. -
2nd and 3rd month social
Baby begins to smile and show excitement and eyes can follow moving objects. -
2nd and 3rd month emotional
Babies can express sadness or discomfort by crying. -
4-6 social
Baby can babble, turn to similar voices, may cry when left alone, and can reach out hands and arms to play. -
4th- 6th months emotional
Baby can show joy and disgust very clearly -
7-8 months emotional
Tries to mimic adult sounds and Enjoys social interaction -
7-8 months social
They communicate through their sounds, facial expressions, and gestures. -
9-12 months emotional
Baby can show anger, these signs can begin to show at about 3 months but aren't very developed -
9-12 months social
Respond to no and own name, say simple words, uses words like mama and dada, spends time looking in mirrors, and enjoys playing peek-a-boo