

By Guti03
  • Mendel the begining

    Mendel the begining
    Mendel creates his laws by working with pea plants.
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  • Introduction of one of the most important words for genetics: gen

    Introduction of one of the most important words for genetics: gen
    Johannsen introduces the word “gene” as a new concept in genetics.
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  • Genes are in the chromosomes

    Genes are in the chromosomes
    Thomas Hunt Morgan demonstrates that genes reside in chromosomes. In addition, thanks to the phenomenon of genetic recombination, the position of various genes in chromosomes is described.
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  • The science above genetics

    The science above genetics
    Conrad Waddington defined the epigenetic science which is the study of the heretable changes in the genetic expression by the environment.
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  • Genetic information is in the DNA

    Genetic information is in the DNA
    The Hershey and Chase experiment shows that genetic information from all organisms resides in DNA.
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  • Discovering the structure of DNA thanks to X-rays

    Discovering the structure of DNA thanks to X-rays
    Rosalind Franklin discovers the double helix DNA structure thanks to the X- ray, by using the photo 21.
    James Watson and Francis Crick surprise the world with one of the most transcendental discoveries in the history of genetics.
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  • DNA replication

    DNA replication
    The Meselson-Stahl experiment shows that DNA is replicated in a semiconservative way.
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  • Genetic disorder caused by copying one more chromosome: Down syndrome

    Genetic disorder caused by copying one more chromosome: Down syndrome
    Lejeune discovers the cause of the Down syndrome, the copy of the 21st chromosome.
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  • The father of DNA sequency

    The father of DNA sequency
    Frederic Sanger develops the first DNA sequency method.
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  • Polymerase chain reaction- PCR

    Polymerase chain reaction- PCR
    Kary Mullis develops one of the first genetic tools.
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  • Sheep Dolly was born

    Sheep Dolly was born
    The first clonated animal was born, by using somatic cell nuclear transference.
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  • The sequency of the 23 pairs of chromosomes is complete

    The sequency of the 23 pairs of chromosomes is complete
    The human genome is finally completed, all the humans genes are sequenced.
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