Describe Myself?

  • Hey! I was born!

    To be honest, I was told that I was born on this day and I never proved this.
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    I learned piano for 15 years. We have a piano at the house and I studied really hard. The first ten years (before coming to New Life) was a period that I decide to put my piano lesson on the different qualification exam and competitions. When I come to New Life, I decide to stop all of those and played the songs that I love and would like to play.
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    OK! I love my kindergarten because I met so many great friends there!
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    Elementary School!

    In my opinion, my best memory stays in the elementary school because I met so many awesome classmates. My elementary School is one of the best elementary in Shanghai, and my classmates study very hard too. I was influenced by their ideas and thoughts, which also helps me to create my own worldview about study and family.
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    Junior High!

    Thanks to my effort studying in my elementary school, I got admitted to one of the best Junior High in Shanghai too! However, this period of time makes me feel like a nightmare because everyone studied so hard as well, but I didn't put too many efforts inside, which drops my grade on a huge level. But still, I met different friends in my Junior High, and I still contact some of them when I was studying in New Life.
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    Contract Bridge

    Contract Bridge is known for its complex calculating and predicting the recent future on the board. I studied Contract Bridge in 2012 because of my dad. We played in a club together and, later when I come to New Life, played online every week.
  • Decide to study abroad

    During my summer vacation in my 8th grade, my family and I decide to talk about my high school. I said yes to study abroad because I think that it will help me to view the world in a different perspective. Also, studying abroad takes me out of the studying zone, where students are keeping studying and studying all the time everyday. from 6am to 11pm). This was a big challenge to myself, but my family accept this and decide to transfer to New Life Academy.
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    New Life Academy!

    Admittedly, New Life give me one of my best period of time to shape myself as a hard-working and creative person. The course material is not that hard, and classmates here are also friendly to me. Studying here makes myself thinking about my future: what should I do and how can I do it. I find my own pace of studying and resting balance and these help me to learn more in my future college life.
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    To celebrate my academic awards, my dad bought me a professional camera (Canon EOS Mark III) and I started learning how to take pictures in a professional way. In February 2018, I accidentally watched a video on Youtube about how to edit pictures and videos and started learning filmmaking and vlogging. RIght now I am still a newbie compared to masterwork, but I will keep studying and learning.
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    Math Club!

    I love solving Math Question, and therefore I decided to start a Math Club in New Life Academy. I think the math club is working within my expectation. We indeed helped some people in solving their questions, and I keep doing this for two and a half years.
  • Summer School in Northwestern University

    I studied college writing at Northwestern University in Evanston, Chicago. It was a fun experience during the three weeks where we visited Chicago and learned about how to write essays in an organized way. Through interviewing a different person in Chicago, I learned about how Chicagoian lives​ for their whole life, which is very interesting.
  • Promotion Video

    I made a promotive video for my dad's company. I go through all the process, including writing scripts, shooting videos, editing videos, and do promotion afterward​. It takes about a month and it is still one of my best memories in summer vacation.
  • College!

    You wanna know about my college! I don't even know myself! Anyway, I would like to pursue in the business field because I love solving problems and do things that are​ related to finance and investment. In order to do those things, learning essential skills, like program-coding and learning business strategies are necessary. I spend my free time learning those right now, and I hope that I would have a bright future.