Derron Simon my Life

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born in Philadelphia with my mom and dad watching me, the first person I ever saw was my mom then my dad then hours later my siblings. This was most definitely the highest point of my life because without it I wouldn't even be here with anyone I knew
  • Going to pre-school

    Going to pre-school
    I started preschool at a very young age since my parents were very busy and I wanted to be able to go home and hang out with other kids. I always drove around with my mom to go places and this was likely the biggest defining moment of my life so far.
  • My parents splitting up

    My parents splitting up
    This was one of the lowest points of my life. My dad had felt excluded and not important to the upkeep of my family at the time so he decided that he should leave the house. My whole family was devastated about this but in the end, everything turned out fine for us all as shown in the photo
  • The Beginning of Elementary School

    The Beginning of Elementary School
    This was the first year where I had to split up with many of my friends I had made back in Kindergarten. Elementary school like all new schools was scary at first but in the end, Elementary school was probably one of the best times of my life. So many of the friends I made back in elementary school I still have today and I am glad I made them.
  • My parents getting a divorce

    This was when my parents got the official divorce. This to me happened very subtly without much notice since I had always just accepted the fact that they were split up but this was the moment was it became official. Overall this was a sort of bittersweet moment for me since it marked the end of their marriage but new beginnings for both of my parents.
  • Breaking My Arm for the Third Time

    Breaking My Arm for the Third Time
    I had broken my arm 2 times before this one but this one is the most recognizable for me. When I broke my arm all of the other times I was so young that I had practically no clue what was even happening and was just confused but this time I was more aware. When my arm was still healing I was shown extreme compassion from many of the people who I knew. My class all signed my cast and my teacher even did the writing on the PSSAs for me. Overall this was a terrible experience but showed kindness.
  • The beggining of Middle School

    The beggining of Middle School
    Middle school started during covid for me meaning many of the usual experiences most people have in middle school. I did very poorly during virtual learning due to the fact I could barely pay attention during everything except math class. The beginning of middle school was very scary and strange for me but in the end I pushed through and am now where I am here.
  • My Brother Leaving for College

    My Brother Leaving for College
    I have always been incredibly fond of my siblings since we have a very strong bond. The day that my brother left for college I was scared of him leaving. It was terrifying having the thought that my brother would be gone for so long without me being able to see him. It was very bittersweet since he had always been very annoying to me but also we both loved each other. Nowadays whenever he is home I make sure that I appreciate him and him being here.
  • My Trip to Europe

    My Trip to Europe
    I went to France and Germany on my Europe trip and it was probably the most enlightening weeks of my life. When I went there I could see a vastly different culture with different people all speaking different languages which was enlightening since where we live it's rare to see such a different culture. The scenery in Germany was beautiful and was probably my favorite part of the trip. It was probably the best trip of my life.
  • Present day

    Present day
    Here I am now writing this timeline and living my life. I've just entered high school which is very scary for me but I've been pushing through all of my struggles so that I can make it to the end. Life has been going great so far and I hope that I can continue to enjoy it with my family and friends. The future for me looks bright and I'm hoping to see it through.