Should I move to LA?
Challenge: Questioning whether to move to LA and pursue dreams, or stay safe in Nashville. Self-doubt "Am I good enough?" Concerns "I hear LA people are snobby, traffic is horrible, and it's expensive/I don't have the money." Lessons: Better to go after my dreams and fail than stay safe and experience regret (fear of regret stronger than fear of failure). I'm good enough to make it as a musician (confidence in my ability). With people helping me, I can find my way (don't have to do it alone). -
Sharing my messages
Challenges: Can barely pay the bills after going for my dreams. I want to write a book/create an online course but I wrestle with self-doubt. "Who's going to listen to me? What do I have to say that hasn't been said? I don't have the money/following." Primary Challenge: Doubting my gifts Lessons: People buy your perspective, not your information. Validation from friends confirms that I can help people. If others have been worse off than I am and have succeeded, then so can I. -
First launch failure
Challenge: First product/book barely sells. What if I never succeed and waste all my time/money? I now believe in my value, but OTHERS don't believe in my value enough to pay me. Lessons: I need to learn to better market and sell to communicate my value. Humbling self by realizing it's not that other people are "idiots," (or even if they are) it's up to me to persuade them. Owning your value is only part of the process, you must also speak your value in a way others can understand.