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Demeter Life Timeline

  • Cronus x Demeter

    Cronus x Demeter
    My father being my father thought that his children along with me would one day overthrow his power. So what he did was swallow me and four of my other siblings. One of my brothers Zeus had escaped this fate and ended up saving me and my other siblings by forcing Cronus to throw them up.
  • Tried to make Demophon a God (immortal)

    Tried to make Demophon a God (immortal)
    When looking for Persephone I became Demophon's nurse. During this time as an act of kindness from myself I attempted to immortalize him. I tried to burn out all his mortal parts but I got scared from the mother saying this was wrong and I quickly pulled him out of the fire, leaving the none immortal near death.
  • Teaching man how to use Crops

    Teaching man how to use Crops
    As the Goddess of Agriculture, I had to supply man with the good of crops. By me leading man onto crops, people settled into towns and cities, they abandoned their difficult lives as nomadic hunters and gatherers. Primary crops = Barley, Wheat, and Millet.
  • Persephone gets Kidnapped

    Persephone gets Kidnapped
    One day while my daughter Persephone was picking flowers, Hades god of the Underworld came on his chariot and kidnapped her right there. Zues had made an agreement with Hades for Persephone to go to the underworld and be his wife, but Demeter insisted on Hades given Persephone back.
  • The Bone of Pelops

    The Bone of Pelops
    While I was out looking for my daughter I went to a gathering/banquet hosted by Tantalus. Tantalus not knowingly sent his son out as the main course. While every god saw this mistake I took a bite off of the plate and had eaten his shoulder by accident. When they went to put the son back together I crafted a bone of ivory so that Pelops could be whole again.