The year I was born
I was born around 12:30 p.m. My dad said he was kinda nervous about being a dad. But I think I turned out good enough. I mean nobody's perfect. Nobody turned out perfect except Jesus. -
Parents married
I was two when my parents (Jessica and Marcus) got married. I know I can't remember it, but I bet I was happy! I can see all the pictures and I looked so cute! I loved the way my parents looked together. -
My first dog (mine)
My first dog that my parents got me was a bulldog. Her name was Sata. We had to give her away because of Emma. Sata always jumped on everybody. Mom didn't want Sata to jump on Emma. I can't really remember it though. -
My first baby sister
My first baby sister is Emma. She was really cute than and still kinda cute now but not really. I was 3 when she was born, almost 4. I like her when she does what I want her to do. -
The year I started school (Preschool)
I went to T.L.C. (Tender Loving Care)
No offence but I hated it. In my opinion it was the worst place in the world. But if I didn't get in trouble all the time I may have liked it. -
When I learned how to ride a bike
I learned how to ride a bike when I was 5. I had a lot to live up to, my dad won his first bike race when he was 3. I found the trophy and it said he came in first! That was really cool to me. -
Kloe, Allie, and Hannah became friends
The day I became friends with these girls was the best day of my life. I know they probably wouldn't say the same thing about me but I can think that without them even caring. -
When we bought our first house.
I was 6 years old. I remember being so happy about it. I got my own room and everything. I got my own room before but it was really small. -
My second baby sister was born
My second baby sister is Tessa. She was born on Christmas Eve. I was 8 when she was born. She is so sweet when she comes up to me and says, "I love you Wanie!" I always go, "Awwwww, I love you too!" -
My Nana died
I loved my Nana so much. She died of cancer. She was the strongest person I've ever met. She had breast cancer when my mom was a teenager. She was my great-great grandma. She lived in North Carolina. I remember the day she died, I had a dream and in my dream she told me not to be sad for her. It scared me until I actually thought about it. I knew she wouldn't want me to be crying over her. -
I became friends with Dezerae
Dezerae, my turtle, is my bff. We call each other turtle and train, it's our thing. She was always there for me in 5th grade. It was turtle and train forever. We said that green turtles ride in blue trains and blue trains ride in green turtles. I was always the loud and bossy, and she was the one who backed me up when I thought strongly about it. When she thought strongly of something I always backed her up. -
When we sold our house
Once Tessa was born the house started to get too small. I was 11 and I had to move in with my Gammie and Coach. Their nice and everything, but I want my own room. -
We started to build a new house
We couldn't find a house that we liked so we're going to build one. I always wanted my own room designed just the way I wanted to be. So it's like a dream come true. I'll tell you a little secret, my room is bigger than Tessa and Emma's room. But you can't really tell so no reason to go boasting about it. But I still get a kick out of it.