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Definition of Propaganda
The Definition of Proaganda is basily information or ideas that spread across the lands to help inform a person or harm them. -
Propaganda jews are classafide
Many people back in the middle ages belived and thought that all jews every single one of them looked basily the same as the next jew such as with a bog pointed but rounded nose , and long fluffy like beards and was always or thinking of getting into trobble. But thats not the case with all the jews in the world theres femals that dont have beards or weird noses and not all men are like that or act like that as well. -
Propaganda dream
Useing the America dream and decribing it as the good life with good pay checks a nice house with a nice car and yard in a nice naborhood and white picket fence. useing that to get people to vote for you and saying a speech behind it to get others attenchion along with your party joining you as well. All because you know what people want and dream of all so you have a good chance of being president. -
Propaganda spread the word
Their are many ways to spread the word of Propaganda amongs other things such as books, posters, radio. But the first oringanal way to spred the word was talking. useing your own voice to tell others of your oppinion on things and hear theirs. -
Propaganda dangerous
There were people thinking that propaganda was dangerous so they think of every angle they could possabully imagan to identify it's stragities. And find the right approch to it along with whats a good way to deal with it. So they created a list of its stragities along with its devices. -
Propaganda fired form job
a man who was a teacher got fired because he was jewish he basilly got fired for being religious which is agents the 14 Amendments. He was not just a teacher but he was also a retired solder who servived the war . if everyone got fired based on their religion then all would be lost in the world because everyone has a different oppinion on religions and how things should and could be if they had their way. -
Propaganda powerful art
Propaganda is also about art how they wrong type of art can twist and make the un strong minds go mad and do something un normal like , like it poisons their minds and makes them go crazy with its weird desin and bold colors within it. Art makes the human mind think and sometimes figure out what it is if needed along with mess around with ones emotions. -
Propaganda for or agents
Propaganda uses persuasion to get people to be for or agents a cuase. it dont change your oppinion but it just trys to get you in ones side instead of the other. Such as a persion wants to you to be in their group instead of with onther so they bribe you or tell you what you wanna hear so that you will be in their group. -
Propaganda Increases
As the world grew and gat smarter the invention of the internet was created this caused Propaganda to increase and word got spread around the world much faster. People can spread their oppion on things as they try to uses persuasion to get their word out their so others will know their side. The internet was and is just a much faster way to communicate to people much faster by useing things such as facebook,twitter,myspace,youtube just to name a few. -
Propaganda emotions
emotions on things such as a poster is used to lur people in inviteing them into their ways in life. By useing images of cumfert and happyness to get their attenchion. by doing this it makes the people feel wanted and accepted it makes them want to join in. -
Propaganda religion
Propaganda can also be about religion on like how people look or act or even what they whare. this man looks mad and he does not shave along with he has a hat on with a tanish shirt on. people may think hes a jew or a tarrest or in a different religion. -
Propaganda being different
Propaganda being different then others is not all bad like jews thinking in the same way instead of calling themselfs an outsider. Just because you have a different religion then others dont make it a bad thing it just means your , your own person and that you follow your own path instead of others. Being religious is not a bad thing its your own choice to be and do that sort of thing its only bas if your hurting or murdered someone or breaking the law of goverment. -
Propaganda Base
Propaganda is base off what people already know and or what they think they know. such as what a person is , what they like , what they do or what they need or want. alot of people will take one look at someone and think they know that person inside and out. When really they dont know them at all so they juge them from head to toe. -
Propaganda false look
Useing art to make others think what they imagan you as or make them think its your real appearence when it's really not. Useing the ways of art to recreate yourself in a way thats unreal and untrue. or even in a way that you wished is what you really looked liked or what you dreamed of being like but in reallity its the oppasite of what you really look like. -
Propaganda words
Words are indeed a powerful tool in life they way one speeks and volume choice the feeling they put behind it to get their point accross their point in views. Words are strong use it well you will get far in life and use it wrong and you won't get that far in life. Useing strong and powerful words with meaning and values behind it and you will get the ears of many. -
Propaganda lessions
The world likes to go through a war zone just to get their point of view accross to their enimies many have died others wonded then others live. Bloodshed is a tool that many prefur to protect their own from dissagrements and harm. this gos on for deckades yet still the same reasions still exist to this day on dissagrenents and let us continue on fighting. -
Propaganda conditions
People will call others names based on what the person is doing such as if a person cant get a job based on what their religion is and start asking around for loans. then others will call them a moocher or a dark hole or even money grubs. just because they need and want money beauce they cant get a good desent job. SP therefore people will call them names amonks other things because they dont like the idea of the person needing money and asks for it to much. -
Propaganda oppinions
it's your own oppinion to tell if something is a bad thing to do or not or if your in a religion tell if someone in a differnet religion did something bad or not. Example say like chistian says it's a crim for a jew to kill one of them to use their blood for their religious ritulas. the Jews think its okay but the christians doint thats all based on oppinions two different point of views. But if their govermement says its a bad thing to murder someone then yes it's agenst the rules. -
Propaganda Dislike
If one did not like the way you role with religion depending on whare you live you will eather be dead , fired, talked rudley about and exsedera. we live in a harsh crule world whare everyone is juded everyday based on who they are whay they have done what they whare and who they talk to and along with whare they live or use to live. People dont get that we are all the same but with different point of views we all want the life tobe above the probuly level and be able to eat and stay warm.