
De Iturbide a Juárez

  • proclamation of the independence of Mexico

    proclamation of the independence of Mexico
    In Iguala called for independence with the union of Mexicans and Spaniards, with a system based on a constitutional monarchy government takes.
    In this appeal is known as the "Plan of Iguala"
  • Cordoba treaties

    Cordoba treaties
    Since the effectiveness of the plan of Iguala and its acceptance in the country, their advance was continuous and rotundo.Hacia July 30 arrives in the port of Veracruz John O 'Donojú intended to introduce liberal reforms in New Spain, without knowledge of changes in the consummation of independecia, but this to see changes now only wanted to return to his country to avoid being infected with yellow fever therefore decided to meet with Iturbide, giving rise to the famous treaty in which cordova r
  • trigarante input army

    trigarante input army
    with the signing of the consummation of independence, Iturbide can enter the city of Mexico proclaiming itself as chairman and regent of the empire, given that as O'Donojú if sick with yellow fever and died ten days could not send their affairs and notices to Spain, that is why Iturbide assumed important positions creating the Governing Board, based on treaties which have already been approved by most of the country.
  • the constitutional congress

    the constitutional congress
    and as you might expect not everything was good given that the country entered a period of crisis which should provide solution as soon as possible, is also at its meeting to discuss the economic recession and budget, from which Iturbide will be surprised because not everyone in Congress congenial to their ideas, why multiple disagreements were created.
  • Agustin I

    Agustin I
    toward dawn of that date, using a military command he proclaims agustin as emperor, likewise repression begins for those not wishing to accept the situation in this case to Congress that has to be obigado to accept the new state
  • Period: to

    irregularities and conflicting Congress

    after the multiple discussions with Congress and the arrest of opposition and protesters Iturbide decides to undo the Congress; Santa Anna who around 1822 didiembre accused Iturbide be a tyrant to this a new character appears
  • the constitutional congress and the new constitution

    the constitutional congress and the new constitution
    this is how Santa Anna manages to unleash a series of event that makes the rule of Iturbide fall significantly, generating exile Santa Anna.Guadalupe Victoria rise to power.
  • Period: to

    Balance in the cabinet: centralist vs. federalists

    official disputes were between sides of Yorkinos and Mazones, whereby the most influential groups, in this case the centralists and Republicans feel they have attachment to any of these sects; and although it was not so easy, always tensions rose among all groups obviously fondle rebellions against the government and establish a new monarchy.
  • Period: to

    constant revolts among Republicans and centrist groups

  • Call union

    Call union
    within this year, the Spanish nation made their attempts to reconquer to Mexico, and brought forth the various political groups in the new nation to unite to defend their nation of invasive threats.
  • Bustamante in the power

    Bustamante in the power
    Santa Anna who was an influential and controversial political agent, he rebels against the government at this stage of Mexico was Bustamante.
  • the age of Santa Anna

    the age of Santa Anna
    Santa Anna and Gómez Farías are elected as president and vice president of Mexico, assuming their positions; after this the congress of the nation of liberal aspect begins a series of reforms that even sought to make changes around the elites missed their targets, thanks to the bad Administation Gomez Farias.
  • Texans conflicts

    Texans conflicts
    with some changes in the constitution by the new government opts for a centralized republic, in which Santa Anna serious problems faced by the nation entity which is the most significant: the independecia Texas
  • First French intervention

    First French intervention
    French invasion of Veracruz occurred in 1838, to offset occurred citizens of that nation
  • Mexico and the foreign debt

    Mexico's foreign debt grows with the annexation of Texas to the United States.Before this Santa Anna returned to power Gómez Farías, reason why reforms against ELND courts are beginning new account but pass it therefore only nationalizing their property to get help for the government.
  • united states war

    united states war
    Mexico loses what had actually lost: Texas, New Mexico and California, under the pressure of the United States and its constant war to the nation.
  • santa anna leaves the presidency

    santa anna leaves the presidency
    santa anna leaves the presidency and embarks into exile after the repression of its mandate towards others and controversies that erupted
  • the government of Lerdo

    the government of Lerdo
    appearance of Juarez in Mexico politics; starting the first disputes between liberals and conservatives;besides that the government were on both sides anticlericalistas, which made both groups had problems with the church;
  • Juarez the president

    Juarez the president
    in 1957 a new constitution that makes liberals gain confidence and this is how Juarez came to power by appealing to the constitution so as dictated in a crisis government proclaims
  • tripartite convention

    tripartite convention
    suspension of payment of external debt is also the period characterized by war reform in the country of Mexico
  • second French intervention

    second French intervention
    after the suspension of the payment of external debt surje nonconformity by the French, which seek to be noticed as an empire in Mexico trying to annex it as a colony; this is where it is fought the famous battle of puebla
  • the republic restored

    the republic restored
    after the absence of juarez at the end of the civil war that raged in Mexico and foreign invasions; juarez returns to restore the republic lasted until 1876, precisely when the "forms of government" are destitute giving rise to a new character: Porfirio Diaz