Danielle Reib

  • Moving Schools

    Moving Schools
    Moving schools was also required when I moved houses. I've been to seven different school between Kindergarten and highschool. I meet a lot of amazing friends and teachers that I still keep in touch with today.
  • Getting a dog

    Getting a dog
    Getting a dog was another great responsibility because the life of another was in my hands. I love my dogs, they are a part of me and I can't imagine a life without them. I worshiped the opportunity to love and care for another being. I feel like having a child someday will bring the same joy.
  • Moving Houses

    Moving Houses
    Moving house to house can be a difficult transition but, can also be a wonderful experience where you meet new people, and see new places. Moving for me wasn't as glorious because my parents were divorced for five years and then remarried. During those five years, I moved numerous times, to several different places, with both my mother and my father.
  • Hunting/Fishing

    Hunting and Fishing had been a key point in my life since I was two; I have pictures of myself as a child holding up my first catch. As for hunting, I didn't start till I was 14; I started with the Junior Hunts which were supervised and sometimes a competition. Both of these sports were a major contribution to the lifestyle I live now.
  • Being apart of NHS

    Being apart of NHS
    Being apart of the National Honors Society was a big part of my life for awhile. It effected me most through the interaction I had with some great peope and the thigs we'd achieved as a whole. I lived for the fun, and effective meetings, the fact that we assisted other in need.
  • Getting my Driver's Permit

    Getting my Driver's Permit
    Getting my driver's permit was difficult for me; it took me four tries. On the fourth try, I recieved a perfect score and left with a brand new car. I now have a Jeep and a license and go to and fro from work and home.
  • Varsity Letter for Softball

    Varsity Letter for Softball
    This was an important event for me because it meant that I'd accomplished the titl of a superb athlete. When I recieved my letter, a speech was given for me personally describing what kind of athlete and person I was on and off the field. Getting my letter was a goal I'd have for man years, and it was a great feeling when it became a reality.
  • Doing Online School

    Doing Online School
    Doing online school was onne of the most difficult decisions I ever made, along with the support of my parents. Although online schoool has provided me more freedom, I sometimes miss the dances, or Pep Rallies, or just friends I got to interact with everyday. I love what online school has provided me, and it'll help me to move into my future a lot quicker.
  • Getting my First Job

    Getting my First Job
    My first job is/was at Subway; I started out washing dishes constantly, which made my nails look disgusting. Then I started preparing the sandwiches, and I finally made it around to preparing the food, and working the register. This is so significant because I now support myself and pay my own bills.
  • Getting my first Paycheck

    Getting my first Paycheck
    Getting my first paycheck was and experience I wish I could relive over and over again, because the feeling that you can provide for yourself and not be dependent on someone is awesome. Now, realistically, I couldn't yet make all my problems go away with one paycheck, I saved for a long time. Once I saved up enough, I started taking on bills one month at a time.