• 0-3 years emotional and social development

    0-3 years emotional and social development
    • likes to be held *enjoys mother talking to him/her *can be shy to strangers
    • becomes independant of his/her care givers *enjoys picture books *Learn their mothers voice *interact with envoronment *mimic their care givers facial expression *mimic individuals around themselves facial expressions
  • 0-3 years intellectual development

    0-3 years intellectual development
    *explore things with their mouths
    *by 12 months they will speak their first word/words
    *their attention span increases
  • 0-3 years physical development

    0-3 years physical development
    • All teeth will develop *All muscles will develop *Bones will go through the hardening process (density increases) *Height will increase *Weight will increase *Digestive system will develop so they can eat solid food *sight develops from blury vision - black and white - full color vision *Develop from reflexing - groce motor skills - fine motor skills
  • Period: to


  • Childhood Physical development (4-9)

    Childhood Physical development (4-9)
    *weight increases
    *height increases
    *body shape matures
    *body deciphers high or low matabolism
    *face tructure matures
  • Childhood emotional and social development (4-9)

    Childhood emotional and social development (4-9)
    *make friendships
    * emotinally stable
    * plays with unknown individuals
    * easily finds bonds with friends and family
  • Childhood Intellectual development (4-9)

    Childhood Intellectual development (4-9)
    *learning mother tongue
    *learning foreign tongue
    *learning in school
    *remember numbers and letters
  • Physical developemt (10 - 18)

    Physical developemt (10 - 18)
    *body shape matures
    *go through puberty
    * develop pubic hair
    *develop breasts
    * starts periods readying the body for bearin a infant
    * development of mamury gland for breast feeding
    * develops oxytosin, progesterone and oestrogen
    * start to sweat more
    *discharge from vagina or penis for self cleaning
    * acne
    *develops adams apple
    *penis grows
    *muscles develop
    *produce eggs/ sperm
    *testicles drop
  • Intellectual development (10-18)

    Intellectual development (10-18)
    *developing language
    *develop communication skills
    *exams taken
    * money issues
  • Social and emotion development (10-18)

    Social and emotion development (10-18)
    • become popular *fall down social ladder *clubbing *drinking *periods cause mood swings *conscience of looks *sad, angry about looks
  • Adulthood Intellectual develpment (19 - 65)

    Adulthood Intellectual develpment (19 - 65)
    *learns from books
    *learns from work
    * matures within social groups
    *larger vocaulary
    *memory span decreases
    *training for job
    *voccational environment
  • Adulthood social and emotional development (19 - 65)

    Adulthood social and emotional development (19 - 65)
    *bad emotional states
    *feeling busy
    *feeling over worked
    *mood swings
    *low social status
    *not going out because of work
    *hangs out drinking coffee with social group
  • physical development (19-65)

    physical development (19-65)
    *start family
    *move out
    *greying of hair
    *brittling of bones
    *moblity decresion
    *vision decrease
    *mood swings
    *muscle strenght decresion
  • Later Adulthood intellectual development (65+)

    Later Adulthood intellectual development (65+)
    *memory loss
    *less reading due to a smaller attention span
    *slower brain process
    *short term memory loss
    * unable to prounouce word that they are reading
  • Later Adulthood social and emotional development (65+)

    Later Adulthood social and emotional development (65+)
    *hangs out social less
    *socially deprieved due to ditance from family
  • Later Adulthood Physical development (65+)

    Later Adulthood  Physical development (65+)
    *low imune system
    *medical problems
    * arthritis
    * dry skin
    *loss of hair
    * loss of hearing
    *loss of sight
    *loss of weight
    *loss of height
    *matabolism slows
    *stiff muscels
    *frizzy hair
    * loss of mobility
  • The final life stages Intellectual development

    The final life stages Intellectual development
    Sometimes they lose intellectual development by this is not always the case they can keep a stable intelect throughout their final life stages.
  • The final life stages Physical development

    The final life stages Physical development
    this happens when the body’s cells are unable to renew themselves. This happens between 85 to 95. Physically they will go through hot flushes and spotting of periods until the periods completely stop ans they bacome infertile.
  • The final life stages social and emotional development

    The final life stages social and emotional development
    Social lives for the older adults are very important as they do not work and have a lot of free time. They use social events to occupy theirselves when not busy to feel normal. They usually enrol in a care home for daily visits so they are not alone all the time. Older adult have a very emotional time when they stop working as they need to keep busy to feel the same as they used to, at the end of their life they become emotionally stable ready for their passing.