
Da Life I Been Livin

  • Apr 15, 1452


    On this blessed day, yours truely was born in the city already named after me, Vinci, Italy. Dis ma crib.
  • Aug 23, 1452

    The Day When Flight Chose Me

    The Day When Flight Chose Me
    When I was chillin in ma cradle, along came a kite. I kid you not it was hovering right over me and I was like WAAAAAA THAAAA!!!! and it caresed my face with its tail feathers and I was like MOMMA SAVE ME!!!!!!
  • Aug 5, 1473

    My First Drawing

    My First Drawing
    Das Arno Valley right there. Smashing start for a such a smashing artist!
  • Oct 6, 1477

    Helped paint with my Teacher

    Helped paint with my Teacher
    I helped my fatty acids teacher Verrochio, which just so happens to rhyme with pistachio, but everybody thinks I did my share much better than pistachio.
  • May 5, 1490

    My Notebooks

    My Notebooks
    Eons before The Notebook ever came to the big screen, I had notebooks. Now these weren't ordinary notebooks. These were, and remain today, world renowned. Trust me, some of my inventions can withstand quite a beating from things such as tanks, which I also created. And I invented the Tank Missile to blow up said tanks because I'm Batman, er, Iron Man.
  • Period: Sep 13, 1495 to Jul 27, 1498

    The Last Supper

    This was my main claim to fame before the 'Lisa.
  • Jul 26, 1503


    This is my Eiffel Tower. This is my Rachmaninoff's Third. My Pieta. It's completely elegant, it's bafflingly beautiful, and it's capable of increasing the revenue of any museam structure to aproxomately 216 million euros. I call it "The Mona Lisa".
  • Period: Jan 1, 1516 to Dec 31, 1519

    My employment under the King of France

    Don't be too jealous, but I worked for the King of all France. No biggie. I mean really, no biggie. I painted the Mona Lisa. This is a small matter compared to that.
  • May 2, 1519

    Alleged Death

    Alleged Death
    This is when I faked my death. One can put up with the King of France for only so long. I am the master of faked deaths. My apprentices include Michael Jackson, Amelia Earhart, and Nick Fury.
  • da Vinci Surgical System gets FDA approval

    da Vinci Surgical System gets FDA approval
    One of my newer inventions is a laparoscopic surgery system, not that you'd probobly understand.
    da Vinci Surgical System
  • My own pizzia company

    My own pizzia company
    Yup. It's in Conneticut.
  • I get my own show

    I get my own show
    Today my own show premired. Don't be jealous.
    da Vinci's Demons
  • da Vinci 3D printers

    This is my new line of 3D printers. The price tag scared away Mr. Herrera, so Affton's missing out on my sublime workmanship. here
  • Founded da Vinci Bridal

    Founded da Vinci Bridal
    davincibridalAs I am a true renaissance man, I dabble in many forms of art. This is one such example.
  • My Gormet food service

    My Gormet food service
    Now the date may be debatable, but I do have my own food service!
    da Vinci Gormet