• Punk

    The word punk is used to describe rebllious behaviour or criminals
  • Cybernetics

    The word cybernetics is coined by Norbert Wiener
  • Cyborg

    The word cyborg was coined by Manfred Clynes
  • Ramones

    Ramones release first albumn, beginning of punk
  • Robot

    Robots kill four people in Japan
    The first cyberpunk movies is released, Terminator
  • Manifesto #1

    Manifesto for Cyborgs is published
  • Cyperpunk Dead?

    English Magazine covers the death of cyberpunk
  • Time Magazine

    Time magazine covers cyberpunk
  • Handbook

    The cyberpunk handbook is published
  • Cyberculture

    Cyberculture at the end of the Century is published
  • Manifesto #2

    Cyberpunk manisfesto is published