

By munji26
  • Burning Chrome was Published

    Burning Chrome was Published
    Burning chrome was one of the short stories from William Gibson's trilogy claimed to be significant in this genre.
  • "Blade Runner" was released

    "Blade Runner" was released
    This was the first movie to introduce the new genre of cyberpunks. Gives thought to artificial intelligence and machines.
  • Group refered to as "Cyberpunks"

    Group refered to as "Cyberpunks"
    William Gibson's "Neuromancer" claimed for the start of cyberpunks.
  • The Movie "Terminator" Was released

    The Movie "Terminator" Was released
    A very well known movie that brought technology further ahead with machines from the future that had the ability to sustain their own existence, and went out to eradicate the human race.
  • The publication of "Wired"

    The publication of "Wired"
    Wired was a magazine that was published in the early 90's about technology and dangerous new ideas. Exciting for some as it really got people thinking into the future and what could be ahead in technology. It really did keep the ball rolling.
  • "The Matrix" movie was a huge influence

    "The Matrix" movie was a huge influence
    The Matrix was a huge boost to the genre of cyberpunk and with the new technologies used to create the special affects drew in many more fans.