Nov 27, 1095
Pope Urban ii Gives Speach
Pope urban gives a speach at claremont saying that the turks and arabs have ransacked churches and killed christians, he says that they need to stop all that by going there and fighting the muslims -
Jul 1, 1099
1st Crusade (arriving at Jerusalem)
the first crusade was an attempt to re-capture jarusalem from the muslims because christians were being treated badly there. -
Dec 9, 1147
The 2nd Crusade
Conrad iii & Louis vii arrive in constantinople then go to damascus and seiged it. Then Nur-al din gains controll over it. Then his powerthursty brother Sal-al din fights for Syria -
Dec 9, 1189
The 3rd Crusade
This crusade was a stand off between two military geniuses. Richard Lionheart and Saladin. The crusaders seiged the port town of acre and they also seiged jerusalem -
May 1, 1212
The Childrens Crusades (French)
This crusade was led by a 12 year old boy called Stephen de Cloyes he was a shepherd. One day he said that he got a message from god he said that they needed to march to jerusalem and that they would be protected by god. they marched to marseille and got some ships to get to jerusalem but some years later there was news that two of the ships had been sunk and had killed all aboard, all the remining passengers had been sold into slavery in north africa -
Dec 9, 1212
Childerns Crusade (germany)
One day a boy called nicholas claimed that he had gotten a message from christ. He and his companions had made a dangerous crossing throudg the alps to get to Rome to meet the pope. He said that he would not give them a blessing so theyall went back home