
  • 1093


    In 1093, the Christians were fighting for Jesus and how he crucified and ascended to heaven. The Muslims were fight for Muhammad and how he ascended to heaven. And lastly the Jews hated the fact that Solomon built the ancient temple.
  • 1095


    The problem was that the Arabs took control of Jerusalem. Pope Urban II was also pretty big in 1095
  • 1096

    First Crusade 1096-1099

    Unprepared troops captured Jerusalem.
  • 1147

    Second Crusade 1147-1149

    Muslim leader Saladin takes control of Jerusalem.
  • 1189

    Third Crusade 1189-1192

    Richard the Lion and Saladin finally respected each other.
  • 1202

    Fourth Crusade 1202-1204

    They went through a lot in the fourth crusade, like burning down library's and churches.
  • 1212

    Children’s Crusade 1212

    It was mainly about children being forced to go home.
  • 1453

    In The End

    The Christians are finally pushed out of Jerusalem. Muslim Turks are the victors and take over the Byzantine in 1453.