Research and planning on case studies
I analysed two magazines which where the 'NME' Mgazine alongside the 'Billboard' Magazine, I analysed the layouts, audience, genre, etc. -
Period: to
Producing Shuffle Magagzine
Prelimenary Task on a College magazine (LSC)
I had to create my own magazine, this was a taste of using photoshop to creating a magazine for the first time. I created a front and contents page. -
Audience research on premiliminary task
I gathered feedback, this was done through class as well as other peers around colleg. I also used the socioal networking site facebook to do this. -
Drafting and fanalizing
Here i had to design and draft my own housetyles for m y magazine front cover, contents page as well as my Doble Page Spread -
Planning and shooting
Here Floriane took pictures of Myself and other group members which would later feauture in my magazine cover contents page as well as Double page spread. -
Editing your magazine
I used Adobe Photoshop mainly to design and edit my front cover, Contents Page and Double page spread. I also used InDesign. -
Planning and scripting the evaluation
This was the [process of parting the questions between my groupn and planning and writing down our overall answers which was the overall evaluation. -
Editing the evaluation
This was the process of going to the mac suites to edit our voice overs using final cut pro and then it was split to 3 parts to be uploaded onto our website