Couser's-History Of Computers Timeline-1980s

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    History Of Computers Timeline-1980s

  • IBM PC

    IBM PC
    The first personal computer to be produced by IBM was invented by Philip Don Estridge & Mark Dean. Before this product came out, other larger computers would cost about $9 million. The cost of the new personal computer was just over $1,000, allowing a more affordable computer for the public. It was quick to process text and information & had the capability to store thousands of words, and connect to a TV set. With so many tools and features, this device appealed to the public and business sides.
  • Compact Discs

    Compact Discs
    Philips and Sony are known to be the men who invented compact discs, also known as CDs. The discs could record, store, and playback information in the audio, video, or data format. These CDs were capable of storing more information than that of a personal computer's hard drive, and it was portable. The CD was founded at the beginning of the digital era and was most impactful in holding music, photos, and other pieces of data that could be played or downloaded.
  • Motorola DynaTAC 8000X

    Motorola DynaTAC 8000X
    It was the first commercial, cellular phone and was created by Dr. Martin Cooper. This man first started his invention a decade prior, but this specific product was finally released in 1983. This item took 10 hours to charge and in return allowed 30 minutes of talk time. It enhanced people's lives by allowing them to communicate with one another. The demand for this new product was high, despite the high pricing of the item, which was just under $4,000.
  • Microsoft Windows

    Microsoft Windows
    This operating system was created by Bill Gates & Paul Allen. It is made up of a graphical user interface and includes a desktop where one can hold and view files/folders that they take interest in. Tools and programs within Windows allow one to be more productive, observe patterns in data, and compute data and other findings in their work as well. Overtime the versions of Windows have improved and updated. It has now become one of the most popular used operating systems for personal computers.
  • Nintendo Gameboy

    Nintendo Gameboy
    Though the Nintendo game sets came out earlier in the decade, the original Gameboy was created by Gunpei Yokoi in 1989. It was the first handheld game to incorporate video game cartridges. The first Gameboy was played in black and white, allowing one to insert different game cards into the side of the device. This little device was light & small enough to fit in the back pocket of a child or teenager. This game brought much joy to young players, as their brains raced to accomplish the task.