Charles Babbage
Designed the first automatic calculator, called the Analytical Engine. -
Herman Hollerith
Applied Jacquards punch card concept and apply it to computing with his Hollerith Tabulating Machine. -
Z1 Computer
A mechanical calculator, created by Konrad zuse -
Electrical Numerical Integrator and ccomputer, sponsored by government to calculate settings for weapons. -
Universal Automatic Computer, was the first commercially sucsseful electronic computer. -
Jack Kilby
Created worlds first integrated curcuit, containing thousands of transistors. -
Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code -
Introduction of the Gui
Graphical User Interface, Apple introduced the Lisa, the first sucessful personal computer contained GUI. -
Altair Computer
256 bytes of memory, no keyboard or monitor. Switches on fron twere used to enter data into the machine code(1s and 0s) -
Apple II
The Apple II featured a color monitor, sound and game paddles. 4 kb of RAM. Optional floppy disk to load programs. -
First electronic spreedsheet application. -
The First Word Processing Application -
Bill Gates
Wrote the OS program for the IMB PC. -
Osborne Computer
First portable computer. Featured a 5 inch screen with 64kb of RAM -
One of the first spreedsheets to use a graphical user interface. -
The first web browser that could handle graphics and text. -
A web browser launched by a team of developers which soon became a predominant player in browser software. -
Steve Jobs
With the help of Steve Wozniac, they built the first personel computer the Apple I, annd then formed the Apple Computer Company.