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Contact Time Line

  • Jan 1, 1000

    Vikings Settle In Canada.

    Vikings Settle In Canada.
    Leif Erikkson set sail and reached the coast of Newfoundland by approximately 1000 C.E. Soon, the colony of Vinland was established, with other Norsemen making the journey to join. Contact with the Natives resulted in hostility and death. They did not have much of a disisive advantage against the Natives and saw little opportunity. Thus, there were no permenant settlements; the vikings were gone within a few years, but carried stories of the new land with them. Contact Continuum: Colission
  • Jun 24, 1497

    Cabot discovers Atlantic Canada

    Cabot discovers Atlantic Canada
    Explorer John Cabot claimed the land for England. They were interested in the new land for a number of reasons, especially the potential of fisheries due to the abundance of fish found along the coast. He and his crew were the first Europeans to arrive in Canada in centuries. This is what sparked interest for others to explore what was thought to be a new route to Asia. Contact Continuum: Contact
  • Jul 24, 1534

    Cartier discovers St. Lawrence River

    Cartier discovers St. Lawrence River
    Jaques Cartier was on route to find passage to Asia, but instead arrived in the Gulf of the St. Lawrence. Along the river, Cartier made contact and traded with Natives and claimed the Gaspé Penisula area for France. He saw great opportunity for trade and the potential for natural resources (which he initally set sail in order to find). Cartier left for France in September of 1534 to return with goods to trade. He was confident he had found a new area of Asia. Contact Continuum: Contact
  • Aug 18, 1576

    Martin Frobisher's First Voyage

    Martin Frobisher's First Voyage
    Frobisher sail to the Arctic to find the northwest passage that Cabot failed to find. When he landed on Baffin Island he was greeted by Inutis in small boats (kayaks). The contact was peaceful and gifts were given to the Inuits. He also noticed an abundance of gold in the area. Before returning to England, he kidnapped a Native and brought gold as proof of his discovery. He was sent the next year to claim the land for England. Contact Continuum: Contact
  • Newfoundland claimed as colony.

    Newfoundland claimed as colony.
    Sir Humphrey Gilbert's crew claimed Newfoundland as England's first overseas colony. He received letters patent from Queen Elizabeth to colonize the coast of North America. Although he died on the way to Newfoundland during his second attempt, it was his obsession with the new world that allowed them the voyage to begin with. Colonies were founded in the coming years. Contact Continuum: Contact Ethnocentric because land used by others was claimed by England and planned to do so in advance.
  • Founding of Québec

    Founding of Québec
    The English were increasing their presence in the Atlantic Canada, so Champlain decided to head inland. At the foot of Cap Diamant, Champlain founded the l'Abitation de Québec. This was first permenant French settlement in North America and still exists today as Québec city. The French soon built fur trading stations and had little conflict with the Natives. This peace and opportunity is what sparked centuires of European migration to Canada. Contact Continuum: Relationship